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Everything posted by Mjb

  1. Being new to this and looking to purchase a telescope and had various recommendations so far my first thoughts were looking at astrophotography but looking at what i need and it seems you have to get a second mortgage to do this so im told. Astrophotography is sort off on hold for now so viewing the night sky is the objective at the moment. So i have found the below telescope and would like some advice on its capabilities and the goto mount that it comes with. https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/skywatcher-explorer-130p-synscan-az-goto-telescope.html
  2. So far I have now worked out an idea of what telescope I need from the above comments which is either off the following 130P- 150P or the 150P- 150PDS. The 150PDS with EQ3-2 with the possibility to add an RA motor to do some photography and progress later to more advanced astrophotography with GOTO Mount. This is what i have arrived at so far.
  3. Thank you for your reply and advice. Reading various articles and so on i can see astrophotography is not a cheap hobby and that is why i am starting off low budget but can be increased, but obviosly don't want to go into thousands of pounds to start with to see what i can do then maybe progress from there. I already have a DLSR Camera Looking at the scope you recommended i see other options for the same model what are the advantages and disadvantages of the below setups https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sky-watcher-az-gti-wifi/sky-watcher-explorer-130ps-az-gti.html https://www.firstlightoptics.com/az-goto/skywatcher-explorer-130p-synscan-az-goto.html
  4. Looking for advice on purchasing telescope have had a few recommendations already i keep getting told Skywatcher 130PDS. Any other recommendations would be appreciated Budget around £300 Hope to eventually do some astrophotography Would like something with a sturdy mount not looking for goto at the minute unless not to expensive have noticed some mounts you can add motordrive to follow your subject.
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