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Posts posted by AlexJ

  1. I spent most of the night chasing equipment issues as my guiding was SO BAD. However I'm now convinced that the Seeing was awful around Sheffield last night. We get so few clear nights, I haven't yet got confidence in my set-up when everything is telling me it's terrible atmospheric conditions. Oh well, I learnt a lot about diagnostics for PHD2 :)

  2. Hi,

    I've used an iPad as a flat panel for my 100mm refractor and an A3 tracing light pad bought from Amazon for my C9.25 SCT.

    Light pad - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08LV43CM2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    On the iPad, I installed the APP 'RGB Light'. The iPad also needed a diffuser to reduce the light level, I simply used one or two sheets of plain white paper.

    Both worked well although some careful setting of the light intensity and exposure time is required to get the best results.



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  3. Unexpected opportunity from Sheffield, UK. I've been working on the C9.25 f10 setup for 'small' nebula but I caught this post and gave Jupiter a try.

    Only my second attempt at Planetary, lots to learn with SharpCap, video capture, stacking and Wavelets!

    Jupiter appears between the roofs for me and my scope just clears the Obs wall. 

    I've only ever seen a 'mushy' image, I hope that one day better seeing and higher elevations will improve the view :)

    Anyway, here's a very average image Jupiter with the Io shadow transit near its end.


    Thanks for the heads-up :)


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  4. 5 minutes ago, Franklin said:

    Good luck Alex.

    Eternal clouds blowing over from the peaks and when it is clear the sky is a definate shade of orange over Sheffield! Bortle 6 at Norton where I am. Planning on moving down to the south coast next year hopefully. As they say "It's grim up North". 🙂

    I know. I'm not far from you and waiting for a clear night is soul destroying! 'Clear Outside' says Monday evening maybe a chance🤞

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  5. I’m returning to astrophotography after a short break of 15 years 😊
    Late last year I re-commissioned my garden observatory. My current setup is a 100F6.4 Borg ED refractor mounted on a SW EQ6 R Pro with a ZWO ASI533MC camera. I also have a Celestron 9.25 SCT which is primarily intended for visual and planetary imaging.

    My background is in engineering & automation so I think this leads me to enjoy the process of capturing images more than processing them!
    Here’s hoping for clear skies over the coming months🤞


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