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Posts posted by spaceboi

  1. 19 hours ago, MarkAR said:

    Astroberry is just an astrophotography based desktop.

    Main app is KStars/Ekos for automation and image capture. Connect mount, camera and focuser to the Pi and set up an equipment profile in Ekos. Ekos will use drivers to control everything.


    Will the AltAz mount of the astrofi connect to the Pi? How is that physically achievable? ETH or WiFi? Or smth else?

  2. I am very familiar with rpi and Unix. My main concern is getting components that will work with each other. I still haven't figured out how everything is connected and who does what.

    Assuming an AstroFi 102, and a auto focused, motor and camera do I need anything else?

    In that case who does the driving? The astrofi mount which is WiFi capable and AltAz? What would the Astroberry do in such a setup?



  3. 34 minutes ago, PeterCPC said:

    IMO you are not going to get what you want fully automated. Firstly, guiding is not required for planetary imaging so that makes it simpler in some ways. Focusing is not easy on planets so I tend to focus on a star first and then slew to the planet. Once you are set up and focused on the planet you will be taking short videos for stacking. Firstly use the field of view calculator and see what sort of image you are likely to get with your gear. You could probably pick up a second hand ZWO ASI224 for that sort of money.


    Can you please elaborate on the fov calculation procedure? Can you propose a sample configuration for my setup? Is the astrofi 102 a good option? 

    Who does the driving, the astrofi or another component?


    Total noob here. Sorry for any silly questions I have.

  4. Hi there! I am seeking for advice from you good people.

    I want to create a setup for stargazing which is fully automated. Ideally every process like scope calibration, guiding, tracking, focusing and taking photos should be done through WiFi, preferably from an iPad tablet.

    Planetary imaging is the main purpose. I don't really care about deep space imaging.

    I want the whole setup to be rather cheap, small and light, at the expense of imaging quality.

    I am a total noob (used to play with an ETX-70 lots of years ago), but I really need the functionality I have described above.

    I am thinking of using the bellow components and kindly request that you correct/add to the list:

    1) AstroFi 102

    2) A ZWO camera suitable for planetary imaging (any ideas for less than or equal to $250)

    3) An auto focuser and motor drive (any ideas)

    4) Smth like an ASi air device?

    Is a guider necessary for planetary imaging, by the way?

    Do you think I am in the right path?

    I still have not been able to really comprehend  the full picture. Is what I am asking for doable?

    Thank you very much in advance!

  5. 3 hours ago, Xsubmariner said:

    You might like to consider an ASIAIR and remote focuser, (mini computer with all software to give plug and play equipment imaging) an easy way to create a fully automated imaging setup. Note it will only work with ZWO equipment i.e EAF focuser, CMOS imaging/guide cameras. But it will work with other makes of DSLR cameras, you will need to check it will work with your DSLR’s.

    Once put together the whole rig is controlled from an apple or android device using the ASI App, I believe there is software to run apps within a PC. 

    I have included an image of my mobile setup using the ASIAIR, I control the complete system from an IPad. Setting up the equipment configuration is straight forward and the GUI is easy and intuitive. In this type setup there is only one cable that needs to be run between the imaging rig and mount, power. I have included extra power from a DC fuse box to the rig and mount, just me over engineering.

    Note - you can configure the WiFi to connect to your home WiFi and control the system from anywhere in the home, provided you have connectivity.



    Hi there and I am sorry if I am hijacking the thread. If a mod thinks my post should be moved, please point me in the right direction.

    I want to create a setup for stargazing which is fully automated. Ideally every process like scope calibration, guiding, tracking, focusing and taking photos should be done through WiFi, preferably from an iPad tablet.

    Planetary imaging is the main purpose. I don't really care about deep space imaging.

    I want the whole setup to be rather cheap, small and light, at the expense of imaging quality.

    I am a total noob (used to play with an ETX-70 lots of years ago), but I really need the functionality I have described above.

    I am thinking of using the bellow components and kindly request that you correct/add to the list:

    1) AstroFi 102

    2) A ZWO camera suitable for planetary imaging (any ideas for less than or equal to $250)

    3) An auto focuser and motor drive (any ideas)

    4) Smth like an ASi air device?

    Is a guider necessary for planetary imaging, by the way?

    Do you think I am in the right path?

    I still have not been able to really comprehend  the full picture. Is what I am asking for doable?

    Thank you very much in advance!

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