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Posts posted by AngHor

  1. I have a SkyWatcher AZ-EQ5 mount. It’s all working fine, except I have an issue with alignment. This applies whether I’m in EQ or Alt-Az mode.

    I set it up using  one or two star align without problems.
    However if I use the handset to GoTo another object, I usually need to do fine tuning adjustments to centre on the new object. But the mount disregards these adjustments, so if I use the GoTo system to centre on a nearby object, or revisit the original object a second time, it’s still off by the same amount.
    How do I tell the mount that I have centred on the new object and that it should now be aligned with that object ? 
    My iOptron MiniTower has a feature that does exactly this – once set up correctly and aligned, for each new object I go to there is an “ALIGN” option, and if I use this it now knows the correct position. Can I do this with SkyWatcher and Synscan ?

    Thanks. Angelo

  2. I'm hoping to get a Skywatcher AZ-EQ5, and I want to use my SkyFi 3 and SkySafari 6 Pro to control the mount from my iPhone.

    I have been using the Skyfi 3 with an iOptron Minitower but it's erratic.

    The connection often gets dropped so I have to reboot the SkyFi and SkySafari : sometimes that works, but sometimes I can't reconnect at all.

    Does anybody have any experience using SkyFi 3 with an AZ-EQ5  ?  Does it work better in AZ mode or EQ ?



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