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Posts posted by Djjilis

  1. Well, it was pretty bizarre. Because it was so close to Saturn, at which we'd been looking a long time already and during the event it didn't move one bit in any direction...

    I googled it and anything that comes up, Iridium Flares, shooting stars, meteors, etc. All require for it to have been moving, but it hadn't been moving. 

    Could it have been an asteroid entering the atmosphere directly at us instead of accross the sky? The odds of that happening are starteling small. (Echt heel erg raar)

  2. Hello fellow stargazers,

    I was just walking on the beach of one of Netherland's islands when I spotted Jupiter and Saturn on the nights sky. 30 minutes after having spotted them I looked away in an almost 90 degrees angel to my girlfriend when I saw something bright in the corner of my eye. A bright dot, brighter than Jupiter sat stationary about 1/3 the distance between Jup and Sat at 10 o clock from Saturn.

    I told the misses to look at it and when she saw it, it had dimmed to the brightness of Saturn and within 2 or 3 second the dimmed down to the point we couldn't see it, we kept looking for at least an half an hour and it didn't reappear! 

    So to summarize:

    - Bright dot, brighter than Jupiter suddenly appears where there was nothing before.

    - dimms within 5 seconds to nothing 

    - when it appeared it was so bright it caught my attention when it was almost outside my peripheral vision.


    Did we just see a small supernova or something???

    Kind regard,









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