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Team Lang

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Posts posted by Team Lang

  1. I was out again last night as I am every night and I think I'm going to have to start going out after 2 am for more options.

    As far as the scope goes I do wear glasses but not while scoping unless I'm randomly checking that the finder scope is aligned.

    Stars are just dots which is all I was really expecting, I knew I would never see moon rover tracks or follow ISS as it passed over.

    At 52 I finally got to see Saturn with my own eyes so it was worth that much to me but on the same hand it has me wanting to see more, my situation is what's frustrating and making things difficult for me but if I can keep making little improvements here and there that help it'll keep me trying.

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  2. First I bought a Bushnell 675 x 4.5” Reflector Telescope
    Model 78-9675 with equatorial mount.

    Considering the only the moon, Saturn and Jupiter are all I can really see I understand why telescopes are a dime a dozen

    I'm on disability so money is tight for me like everyone else but there has to be a affordable option for what I have.

    The 12.5 and 8 lenses and. Barlow is what I have, the Barlow us useless, no matter how I set it or we which eyepiece I use it either won't focus or it's no different than w he at I see we with the 12.5

    What can I do so I can actually see Saturn and Pluto as more than a pin head size object that I can just identify the planet.

    Any equipment needs to be affordable, this is a new hobby and finding another is not an option and yes I know I bought a poor scope but there has to be something other than over insure it and hope it gets stolen

    Pictures are the best I get of the moon snd Saturn  albeit Saturday but is clearer, I'm holding the camera and trying not to jiggle anything




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