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Posts posted by xLivvy91x

  1. Hi guys,

    I've wanted a telescope for a long time and I've come into some unexpected money so I'm considering purchasing one for general viewing and some astrophotography and I have a question.

    A friend of mine owns a telescope and I asked to go out with him to have a look at what you can see before deciding on whether to look into buying one for myself and I'll admit to being a little disappointed.

    We had a look at Jupiter and while I liked seeing it along with 4 of the moons the planet itself was just a white dot, I couldn't see any of the details of the planet except an extremely faint pinkish/orangey flickering band across the light of the planet.

    I was expecting to see the cloud bands.

    We had a look at Saturn too and it wasn't particularly clear and looked more of a fuzzy blob with no detail or moons and a ring around it.

    My friend has what I think is a skywatcher skymax 127. I've read up about aperture, focal length and magnification and his telescope I think is 5 inches in aperture and I was planning on a bigger one, around 10 or 11 inches given what I have to spend, but I'm now having doubts as to whether I should or not because I'm worried I'll only be disappointed.

    Is this somewhat a beginner misconception as to what I'd see?

    I feel like it might have been but I also feel like it might be either a limitation of the telescope my friend has or possibly how he has it setup? 

    I feel like it might be how my friend has his scope set up or how he's using it because he has always been the sort of person to just buy stuff and not really know exactly how to use it and just wing it or use it once or twice and then get bored. We've been out twice to use his scope and he even said to me he's used it more since I asked about it than he has on his own, so I feel like it may be our combined inexperience. I also read something about something called collimation which can cause the image in the eyepiece to suffer if its not right but I don't fully understand this yet as I only read about it very recently.

    So what does everyone think? Was I guilty of expecting too much, are all the photos I've seen people posting that they've taken through telescopes edited and stacked to massively enhance what you actually see? Or is it limitations of the telescope/users in question?

    If anyone could offer their thoughts, opinions and experiences in this area that'd be hugely appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,




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