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Posts posted by TomBee

  1. I'm using my SW150PDS Newtonian on a HEQ5 as primary telescope and it works well as long as it isn't too windy outside.
    Weight of the OTA with everything mounted on it is just around 8 kg. 

    OTA mounted here for both visual and AP use which makes it a bit harder to balance...


  2. On 24/09/2020 at 23:51, JamesF said:

    I think it's easier to get past tight spots if you're slewing at high speed, so it might be worth reducing the speed and checking it's still good.


    This was true for one of the mounts I've used.

    Everything looked ok when checking (with "high" speed) but with the problems always became obvious when using normal tracking speed.


  3. I think I was around ten (1976-77) when I bought my first telescope (an 60x600 akromat) and started to watch the sky.
    Two years later I started to experiment with AP using my brand new Canon 35mm DSLR-camera using different home-made trackings solutions.

    After that I tried some other scopes but it was quite recently I (re)started my interest.

    Right now I using a Skywatcher 150pds on a HEQ5 with 50mm Orion-miniguider and ZWO 120mm mini.
    I've skipped my "astrolaptop" as I invested in a ASIAIR pro with works lika a charm if I am not using the onboard WiFi ;)
    Usually observing the sky from my Bortle 5 backyard...

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