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Patrick Bateman

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Everything posted by Patrick Bateman

  1. Well didn't think long on it as I bought them within half an hour of posting that. 😁
  2. Now thinking of going with the 8mm and a Barlow for now and maybe go for the 5mm later in the year.
  3. To a layman, what real difference am I going to notice size for size between BST eyepieces and ones that came with the scope? Just an all round clearer image? Will need to have a think about what sizes to go for. My thinking was a 5mm BST with a Barlow would take my scope to its magnification limit.
  4. Just got this as my first scope recently and managed to use it properly for the first time on Sunday night. Just before packing up I released Jupiter and Saturn were visible, albeit very low on the horizon, so that was a nice surprise. Could barely make out Saturn's rings but Jupiter's moons were bright. Looking for additional eyepieces and I'm thinking along the lines of this for planetary stuff but open to suggestions- https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bst-starguider-eyepieces/bst-starguider-60-5mm-ed-eyepiece.html Any other suggestions for a barlow and maybe another eyepiece to go with the 10mm and 25mm that come with the scope?
  5. Mine arrived this week but still waiting for a break in the weather to use it properly.
  6. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Scope arrived on Tuesday and of course this has been one of the cloudiest weeks in ages round here. The secondary mirror has a couple of marks on it, what is the best way to remove these? I don't think they seem noticeable through the eyepiece but will get a better chance to judge when I can use the scope properly. Don't want to try and remove them and end up making things worse if they don't actually detract from viewing.
  7. Working from home can see unnecessary cash leaving the bank due to boredom- I finally decided to buy a telescope (Skywatcher Heritage 150P) after always having half-baked intentions. Due to arrive in the next day or two so looking forward to using it when the weather improves. I've no doubt I'll end up mining the forum for plenty of tips and advice.
  8. I had ordered a 130P back in May as my first scope but was having to wait for it to appear in stock. They still aren't in stock from where I ordered and they've offered up the 150P as an alternative, good timing I think, for the sake of an extra £50.
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