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Everything posted by JS81North

  1. Thanks John! Especially from such a cool location! Almost as cool as Devon 🙂 The most valuable thing I'm learning (thankfully before spending big money) is that chasing magnification isn't where the jackpot's at! You get enough magnification from a 17mm for the planets? Thanks again! John
  2. Amazing food for thought and so helpful, thank you! I see you're in North Somerset and I'm in North Devon we perhaps have comparable seeing! Thanks again, John
  3. Thanks so much John! I’ve devoured a lot of what you’ve written here etc! Excellent to hear you think 10mm slightly better than 6mm. If I may ask your opinion on two smaller points? Firstly would say the 10mm plus 2.25 Barlow would usually outperform the 6 on its own? Second, good to know the Baader Barlow is decent. Would something like a TV 2x Barlow be 3 time better (it’s 3 times the price at FLO)? Huge thanks again!
  4. Thanks so much Ed, really appreciate your thoughts. I wonder whether a decent barlow would help improve a 10mm BCO?! Johh
  5. Ah gosh, if you've tried the 6mm may I ask how you found it optically? Compared to the 10mm if you don't mind me asking?! Seems the barlow has strong support! Thanks again!
  6. Thanks Ricochet! I mainly wear lenses so in my novice research the shallow eye relief doesn't worry me too much. My aim is to get the highest quality views within my small budget! I may have to save for a decent barlow!
  7. Thank you Shaun! Intrigued what eyepieces you do have and how you find them? Thanks again!
  8. Hi all! I have inherited a 10" f4.7 Skywatcher 250 Flex-tube Dob with the kit lenses of 10 and 25mm. I gather these lenses aren't brilliant so I'd like to upgrade the high power one for improved planet & moon observing. However, I only have a small budget of around £50 - 60. On the high power, Ian at the awesome FLO recommended a Baader Classic Plossl. My conundrum is 10mm with barlow or 6mm without? Ian says he prefers not to use a barlow as it adds extra glass, but so many people seem to have them! I live in North Devon and (when it's not raining) have a Bortle Class 4 sky. I mostly wear contact lenses and occasionally glasses. I would love your thoughts, advice or suggestions! Many thanks, John
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