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Posts posted by Drifty_T

  1. On 26/05/2020 at 21:06, mh6081 said:

    Hi Alan, like you also a newbie this week to SGL and also live in Cannock The only difference being I ain't bought no kit yet. I'm one of those getting led down different paths however I am now thinking something around either a Sky-Watcher Explorer 130ps AZ GTi or a Celestron Astro Fi 130mm. From what I can make out they both appear to be similar so any help from anyone would be helpful. Once I get round to understanding things plan is to add a CCD camera

    Hello Alan, I'm also brand new to this and live in Great Wyrley! I've yet to kit up too but I've a partner in crime who has recently purchased a SW 102 mak and we've been playing around like kids at every opportunity. Hoping to dip our feet into observing and ap, so I'm after a larger aperture reflector. 

    Does anyone know of a club or meet around here?  Would be nice to talk to some others about this stuff once this lock down has blown over... 

    Anyway, nice to meet you all, best of luck Alan. 


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