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neiil phillips

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Posts posted by neiil phillips

  1. 20 hours ago, Kon said:

    Spectacular image and no noise at all. You should be very happy with these. Apart from the craterlets, it's the fine details of rilles in many of the larger craters including Clavius, I am not sure I have seen them in photos before. By the way are these with IR pass? 

    Thank you Kostas. Yes it was IR 685. Dont think i will be able to resist trying again under calm air. Perhaps the summer. Yes im pleased with the way the scope is performing 

    • Like 1
  2. Another basically adjusting a previous process Which at full size. Has revealed some very fine Hi resolution detail on the floor of Clavius and elsewhere. Some of which i am not sure ive even captured before. Craterlets down to the size of a pin head. At the limit of the scopes performance under UK skies.  Yes I pushed the levels. As Clavius was deep in shadow. But its not too offensive

    Click for full size

    clavius tweaked.png

    • Like 7
  3. Yeah can see the softness re seeing. But enjoyable images nonetheless, and enjoyable being out there no doubt. As you know. The practice never hurts. As I know what your capable of 

    Good seeing all you guys still imaging. Inspiring me to also try again one day

    • Like 1
  4. Hi Mandy. The amount of times I've had clear skies While cooling. As soon as I press record. Bang the image dims. I look up. You guessed it. Nice one for persevering and getting a image 

  5. 14 hours ago, yelsac said:

    Thanks Neil

    Must admit I really love the VX12L, think it's my perfect scope, couldn't really manage anything bigger & the skies on the IOW are awful 😞 

    Got the Dob version 2nd hand for viewing & mounted it on Neq6 for the planets, so I've got the best of both worlds.

    How are you getting on with your 12" Stella Lyra?

    Yes doing similar. (dob) Its a cracking scope. My latest images are taken with it. 

    • Like 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, geoflewis said:

    Thanks excellent Neil 👏

    Thanks again Geoff. Was nice to be back in the saddle so to speak. Having to set up such a monster Newtonian from scratch. Is never easy. Everything just flowed. No hassles. Its like I had never been away. usually something becomes difficult. Or goes wrong. But no. Everything went well. I was surprised how well

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  7. 8 hours ago, geoflewis said:

    Nice images and processing as ever Neil and as others said, it's great to see you back imaging and posting.

    Thanks Geoff. Much appreciated. I have some more to go through couple of 5 min runs to de rotate Cheers

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, Kon said:

    Nice captures and processing Neil. Great to see you back again.

    Hi Kostas. Good to speak with you again. Your eye is probably better than mine. Been out the game for so long. So your response is encouraging. Cheers my friend

    • Like 1
  9. 48 minutes ago, yelsac said:

    Nothing fancy! They are so good, love the contrast between the ir & colour image, seriously looking forward to your fancy pictures 👍

    Much appreciated. I did do a 5 min run. That i will winjup. At some point. Thanks for the kind comments

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