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Leonardo Orazi

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Posts posted by Leonardo Orazi

  1. On 13/06/2020 at 13:18, steppenwolf said:

    As I started this thread in the first place, I thought that for completeness, I should give a final update as my trial licence concludes today!

    A few day ago, a new version of the software (Release 2.2.10 Build 2020-06-03) was released and to my surprise, FITViewer no longer hangs on exit. I also noticed that calling my AAG VBS script no longer results in an error message but unfortunately, the script still doesn't call up AAG so I would still be stuck with my work-around of placing a 'wait' in the DragScript tasks to manually run AAG. I never did get meridian flips to perform correctly and to be honest I got bored with repeatedly testing although I have no doubt that there is a straightforward solution but I didn't find it!

    So all in all, an interesting trial of powerful piece of software.

    Thank you Steve, really surprise that all work now for you. Really happy.

    Voyager its so powerful that fix bug itself without my control !

  2. This is the image i send to you with execution of your script on my OS ... my OS is in italian ... so the error reported is ActiveX cannot creat object because i dont have the AAG component registered. Your error report error on CreatObject ... this mean no permission .. non right configuration of COM .. not access to all library and so.

    I hope this help to understand that Voyager is not the cause.

    Stay safe, stay well!


  3. Steve, i dont want to discuss with you but i answered to you and reported that the script work in a correct way  in my PC... the error reported is not from Voyager but from your OS, script is equal for all  .. result could depend from you environment. So i do this job for 35 years ... most of this time in Windows System. I think to know what i wrote. This is the second behavior strange you report to me like the one with closing FitViewer. You have something not work properly on your system ... permission .... DLL ... SDK ... antivirus ... version of OS ... and so.

    There are thousands of users using scripts in Voyager everyday ... I think to have answered to you really fair and fast ... also I answered honestly to other users here that not really need Voyager avoid them to spent money! So please have kindly more considerations of my answers

  4. Some answers to your questions:

    • Voyager was born in 2009
    • Sequence block in DragScript can override the setting in sequence, for sure remove the time start, time end, on end and on error data/section. Wiki https://voyager.tourstar.net/index.php?title=DragScript_Elements#Session
    • in sequence you can remove guide calibration, guide, dithering, focusing, plate solving and so an so without need to modify the setup configuration, each sequence have a file so you can decide target for target what to do
    • Dome and Flat can be manage from command section of the main GUI. In Webdashboard there isnt a dedicated panel but you can create a simple dragscript to do all the single operation you want. The other automation software doesn't have web dashboard so Voyager have something on plus!
    • We dont trust in offset or temperature compensation for focus so you not found in Voyager. Only the offset is provided for the Array system up to 4 setup for obvius reasons. Voyager provide 2 kind of autofocus using the AI support .. on a single star or on all field
    • Voyager can manage external events using weather system, safety monitor, file monitor, I/O card input using Viking, self generated events inside DragScript readin external data. If you want to manage the events you must run your activities inside DragScript
    • DragScript is not a script ... just a drag & drop way to put togheter little block/action with some logic and conditionals running. you can realize from simple thing to real complex tasks
    • Voyager is not substitute of SGP or NINA or APT or .... have another paradigm. We trust in quality data and reliability ... not fastness and "smart" short path. We have created so much new thing never see in automation software and introducing use of AI since 6 years not to be a copy/clone of ... but a different thing

    Sorry for my message.

    All the best

    Leonardo Orazi

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