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Everything posted by EQdnb

  1. Thanks. My wife ordered a moon filter to come with the 130m and have just now ordered a light pollution filter. I shall have a look into the telrad and finderscope once I am setup and familiar enough with the equipment.
  2. Thanks for all the information, a good bit to get me started! I'm glad I am starting out towards the summer! I have read about collimation, is this something I will need to do or should it be ok out of the box? Thanks again
  3. Hi all I am looking at buying a Skywatcher Explorer 130M and was wondering which 'essential' accessories I should be looking at to improve my experience. I am also looking to attach my Samsung Galaxy S9+ to it, will any old adapter work or should I look at something specific. I haven't used a telescope since I was a child (a good 25 years ago), so am a total beginner, please treat me as such! Thanks in advance
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