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Everything posted by Steve187

  1. Thank you David for the advice. Yes I guess it's each to their own. I might just have a play around with the one it comes with and see how it goes. I am definitely going to look into the Y adapter Joc and the set-up you have there. Sounds like a good idea. Hi Neil. Excellent, yes we'll have to compare notes and see how we get on with the scope! I'm just on the outskirts of the city (Costessey) and the light pollution near me isn't too bad luckily. I'm getting my scope from Rother Valley Optics. Best of luck with that streetlight! 😉 Thanks Doug. Everyone seeems to have positive comments about these Bresser dobs so I'm really looking forward to getting it and getting outside.
  2. Thank you for this Joc, that is a great help. The threads also have some invaluable information in them too. I think the best idea is to just get out there and snap away and see what happens, best way to learn I guess.
  3. Thanks Jonathan, a red light torch is on the list now so I will definitely get one before I get started. I think I am going to get the Canon mounted to the scope and get used to taking a few images with it, thank you Joc. Do you have any specific tips to get me started in taking some basic pictures? Thank you John, I will certainly have a look at the quickfinder you've mentioned there. I've had a quick look at the BST Starguider eyepieces and they do seem to have nothing but positive reviews on here and elsewhere. I think I will look at also maybe getting a Starguider 12mm too.
  4. Thank you for your response and advice Jonathan, much appreciated. Do you think it might be better then to forget the Barlow for now and maybe get another eyepiece instead? Or perhaps even just remove the Barlow and get the red light torch instead? Thanks again, Steve.
  5. Good evening everyone, I hope you are all keeping safe and well in these strange times we find ourselves in. So, this week I am hoping to purchase my first, proper telescope and accessories to get myself and my family ready to explore the night sky. I say proper as I have an old traveller 76700 in the garage that I played around with many moons ago! I've been reading lots over the past weeks on here and other places, I have to say there seems to be some incredibly knowledgeable people on here whose advice seems to be a great help. This is what I have decided on whilst trying to keep in roughly a £500.00 budget to get us started: Bresser Messier 8" Dobsonian (seems for a little extra more this is a slightly better option than the Skywatcher 200p I originally intended to purchase) Meade 4000 Super Plossl 9.7mm (as the scope comes with one 26mm eyepiece) Skywatcher Deluxe Achromatic 2x Barlow (1.25) Telrad Reflex Red Dot Finder (as I've heard the finder that comes with the scope isn't the greatest?) Revelation ND96 Premium Moon Filter (1.25) I hope this should provide the basics of a decent first attempt to get us off the ground and help us learn and explore. I also intend to get the Collins Guide to the Night Sky 2020 book as the reviews seem to say this is a guide to help us navigate the night sky. As my wife has an old Canon 450D EOS camera too I will also get a T-Ring, T-Adapter and a remote shutter release so we can take some basic pictures of what we're looking at. The main aim here is to learn, explore and understand with an eventual goal of maybe in 18 months / two years to then upgrade and invest in a proper 'Go To' setup. However, we want to learn and get to grip with things first. Any advice / hints or tips would be really appreciated on if you think there is anything I should change / not bother with or add. I do have two final questions as well (sorry!) that I'd appreciate any advice on: I have a Samsung Galaxy S9 phone that I'm so to upgrade to an S20+ - should I forget about using the Canon and look at mounting this as the camera on smart phones these days probably trumps the SLR or not bother for now? How important is it to adjust your eyes to the outside darkness? Should I refrain from bright screens / being indoors for 30 mins or so before starting my evening of exploring through the scope? Thank you for reading and hopefully I haven't bored anyone / been of annoyance as I am sure you've all answered such questions numerous times before! I am really excited to get this all set-up and working in the coming weeks! Thank you, Steve.
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