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Everything posted by Mike_y

  1. Thanks. I think a Dob is probably going to be the answer. I will just get used to whatever drawbacks it has.
  2. Thanks for the info. #it is not the mount but the tube which i want to upgrade - apart from me wanting more power, the focusing mechanism is pretty much worn out. So I am now looking at a Dobsonian.
  3. Thanks for the advice. I will look at a Dobsonian, as you suggest.
  4. Hello and thank you for replying. I want something with a lot more power, to keep me going through these strange times, so at least 6 iinches of aperture. I have tested my mount, which is indeed an EQ1 of sorts, and think it would stand a few more kilograms. However, it seems that it is not going to as easy as I had hoped to adapt it so have pretty much given up on the idea and am now looking at a Dobsonian.
  5. Hello and thanks for replying. I am hoping to get something with at least a 6 inch aperture, but in light of the current situation I might just say what the heck and get 8 inches. The original mount is indeed an EQ1 of sorts. I have done some tests and am confident it will take a couple more kilograms. However, I think you are right and it will be better to upgrade everything. I am just trying to save money at the end of the day.
  6. Hello I have a Tasco 114 Reflector, which I bought in Germany many years ago. I want to uograde, and have seen some telescopes without a mount on the web. It seems that my existing mount is OK, at least fot the moment. So my question is, will I be able to use the new telescooe on the old mount, or to put it another way, are the mount fittings universal? If not, how easy is it to adapt an existing mount for a new scope? Thanks in advance for any advice.
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