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Nick Sargeant

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Posts posted by Nick Sargeant

  1. 59 minutes ago, John said:

    Well I hope your skies in Cornwall are clearer than mine here in Somerset !

    I can see stars but there is quite a lot of thin hazy cloud about which does not help with galaxies one bit. I've just about managed to spot M66 and M65 with my 100mm refractor but I suspect NGC 3628 is beyond the reach of my scope under the conditions here tonight.

    I'll go back to observing double stars !


    It was a struggle to find them, but did eventually.  Observed for about an hour.. All 3 kept blurring out then would reappear again for a short while! Still very faint though..I guess that was due to the hazy cloud you referred to maybe?

    Was pleased to have found them though...my best view tonight was using the 25mm.. 

    Thanks for everyone's advice..much appreciated.

    back to 'Turn left at Orion' now to select my next target for tomorrow night hopefully.

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  2. Hello All,

    Just emptied the outbuilding and uncovered my Skyliner 200p which i purchased over 5 years ago.  Started off quite keen for a few months, but life got in the way as it does.   Looking forward to getting back into the hobby.. Live in north Cornwall and would be keen to join a club if anyone could recommend one..(Obviously when the lockdown is over) Practically starting from scratch again., Apologies in advance for any silly questions i may ask..





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