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Everything posted by RickH

  1. Hi all, bit of a niche query, thanks in advance for any help! I was having some inconsistent results with maintaining collimation, so though I’d check the secondary mirror collimation springs are all correctly operating. Upon (carefully...) removing the secondary and inspecting it I discovered it doesn’t actually appear to have any springs.... http://www.bobsknobs.com/resources/Literature/M6screwinfo2.pdf The link above shows the spring configuration, however mine appears to just be sitting flat on the secondary holder. Wondering if it’s worth refitting any springs? Or if anyone knows any suitable springs and where to source them? Its not a huge problem as is, it collimates fine, though I imagine the current set up makes this more difficult, and leads to more inconsistent results. The previous owner has also fitted some fans to the rear mirror cell of the scope, so I was aware it may not be totally original. Any advice welcome!
  2. Many thanks to both, that’s cleared things up a bit!
  3. I managed to get a relatively cheap second hand one of these. Can anyone advise me as to what the original fixing bolts/epoxy for the base are? The instructions allude to “Then bolt the base to the concrete using the supplied fixings”. Intend to buy some polyester resin, but any guidance as to the original fixing bolts, or anything of that nature would be appreciated. Many thanks, Rick
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