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Posts posted by huggy

  1. Hi,

    I'm really new and stupid so please be gentle with me...….. and accept I'm about to ask a really dumb question.....

    My other half bought me a telescope for my birthday (good girl I hear you mutter) - which came as a surprise, so I've got caught unawares!

    I'm struggling with the set up of the findascope…..

    I get the whole idea of pointing at something you can see and twiddling the adjustment knobs until its centered on the same thing you can see throughthe eyepiece

    but my problem is seeing the red dot . I should say, I can see the led is lit, and I can see that led right at the bottom of the findascope eyepiece by looking directly at it. But no amount of adjustment moves that to the middle as that is rigidly attached to the same base as the eyepiece. so i'm assuming (fatal I know) that I'm supposed to see another red dot that's somehow reflected on the lens and responds to the adjustment?






  2. Hi,

    I notice a lot of people seem to post a 'hello I've just joined'.... so I'm just following the herd....

    My Fiance bought me a telescope as a surprised gift for my birthday - so I'm going to be asking lots of 'how the h*ll do i' questions.

    There's a sort of double back story how I ended up with the telescope.

    Firstly, my (now deceased) father was big into astonomy and anything physics. He used to gringhis own telescope mirrors - he made a 12 inch (I think) mirror when I was about 10 , upgrading from his previous six inch  (again home made) and rans astronomy club at the school he taught in. During holidays in the south of france, he always pointed out the various constellations to us so I've tended to bore the other half with such stuff!

    Then we moved into a house called 'the pleiades' six moths ago - and I took great delight in pointing out how  Orion was perfectly frames in a velux window at a certain time of night , pointing out the bow and how this was  shooting 'the bull' (which didn't impress her as she's a Taurus!) and of course, pointing out 'the pleiades'

    So she decided to get me a telescope for my birthday!  just in time for lockdown!



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