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Posts posted by EmuHead

  1. On 09/11/2020 at 20:13, rnobleeddy said:

    All good questions - afraid a couple of them I had myself! I got in a bit of a mess with 2 wifi adapters but I never worked out all the quirks.

    Almost certainly not. So unless you need it back, I wouldn't worry about the fact you deleted it.


    Is it the case that you know the Pi is connected to the hotspot and you just can't VNC to it, or are you unsure whether it's connected to your WiFi hot spot?

    If it's the WiFi connection, I'd suggest booting it up attached to a monitor to see what it's connecting to. It will remember settings from boot to boot, so if you only have the hotspot setup then it that should be fine. If you have >1 connection configured the behavior appears to be that it sticks with whatever it finds first. This could be the culprit if you've also setup a 2nd WiFi connection on the astroberry and it's connect to that (e.g. your house WiFi is on the edge of range in your garden) - then your tablet is no longer on the same network.

    If it's VNC then you should able to get there via  https://astroberry.local/  in a browser from a device on the same network. Not sure why astroberry has 2 ip addresses - where are you seeing this? You should always be able to SSH in to one of them (e.g. via https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/).  


    You can always just start from a blank image if you're worried that something has been messed up.






    Ok phew.  

    I've retested a few more times and it seems to connect consistently now to my phone's hotspot.  Now to not change anything.

    The 2 IP addresses is what's shown in the network identification app, Fing.  It shows the Astroberry has 2 IP addresses, usually 1 number apart.  If i can't connect to the first one, can usually connect to the second one.  Not sure why it has two as I know this is unusual.

    I still would like to re-add the default connection (the -999 one) back in case I need it one day.  Any chance someone could post a screen shot of those settings?

    At any rate, appreciate the help thus far.


  2. 7 hours ago, rnobleeddy said:

    I assume you're using a stock Pi without any extra WiFi adapters?

    You should be able to connect via https://astroberry.local/ from the local network. I ran in to issues because I was trying to use a separate WiFi dongle to get a better range. The best solution I found was to get everything working in the house, and then rebooted a few times to make sure the same behavior happened each time. You can also try booting without the hotspot active to see what happens in that scenario.

    Yes its a stock Pi without adapter.  I have deleted all the wifi connections within Astroberry though (including the one with -999 priority also), and only left the one i created to connect to my Phone's hotspot.  I dont think it liked that. 

    Does there need to be 'Astroberry Hotspot' (with the -999 priority) or 'Astroberry' wifi connections configured for it to work even at a base level.

    How can I add the Astroberry VAP again, because I'm pretty sure I deleted it.

    I also checked for the lines in etc/network/interfaces and they weren't there.

    I then checked etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and it didn't exist, only the .bak version of that file existed.

  3. I'm getting network issues and am not very Linux syntax savvy.   

    I'll connect it to my phone's hotspot, and also connect a tablet to that same hotspot, run Fing on the tablet (to see devices connected to that network) and can see that Astroberry almost always has 2 IP addresses.  Anyway, I normally can VNC to one of them so this isn't a problem but last night in the field I could not VNC to at all.  I rebooted all devices several times in different orders, I also deleted Astroberry's own Wi-Fi connection configured in the network manager leaving only my phone hotspot Wi-Fi connection configured with a priority of 1 or 2 and VNC just would not connect.  

    I would really like to use astroberry and have spent many days and nights trying to work with , understand and learn a bit about linux, but after another night lost I am at that point right now where I feel like we are not destined to get along.

    It's there anything I should try from here? 


  4. On 24/04/2019 at 00:31, JayS_CT said:


    Came up with an alternative method, but requires you taking the illuminator apart (not difficult - screws are under Max-Min label) and have some fine soldering skills.  In the first pic, assembly on the left is fully illuminated with stock illuminator, the unit on the right is after the mod (sorry color balance is off).. Dimmer works fine and light will go "off" when turned to Min position.  The second image is the modification. Note the wire (actually an old LED leg) running alongside  the upper side of the LED. It is soldered to the positive (+) connector of the LED on the circuit board and hooked over the top of the circuit board. This makes better contact with the casing (which carries positive (+) ).  It doesn't fix any issues with falling off (but someone above said they got a velcro assembly to work with the stock light).  This is a "do at your own risk" project and I very strongly suggest you not attempt it if you're not comfortable soldering in very tight small areas. I can only attest that it worked very well for me. YMMV...  I'm also sure it would also void any warranty you may have on the light..   There may be other variants of bringing more power from the positive (+) casing to the LED that others may come up with.  Clear Skies



    Hi there,

    Just wanted to say that i did the above and it definitely makes the red light brighter, so thankyou!  Yet to try it in the field, but Im looking forward to it now.  So not knowing much about electronics, by doing the above have we also bypassed that black box (resistor? capacitor?) marked B200/8200?  And so what in layman's terms have we done?  Thanks again.

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