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Everything posted by kostrzewa

  1. Hi. Just created an account to comment on the above posts by Zac and Draculas-GR. As a first time user of Sony cameras, I encountered many "surprises" getting it to work. 1. On Android phone, you should no longer use Sony Playmemories app. You should use Sony Imaging Edge. 2. Launch Smart Remote app on your camera. When you connect your mobile to your camera and don't see too many configuration options, like in the screenshot uploaded by Draculas-GR, it means that Smart Remote app is outdated. 3. To update your Smart Remote App: on your camera go to Applications/Playmemories apps, login, update the app. A couple notes here: a. Notice, that on your camera you use Playmemories to update other apps. On your mobile, you only need Sony Imaging Edge. b. Alternative option which ultimately I did not use. Consider this optional... Instead of using the camera itself, app update can be done over USB cable from a browser on your laptop. Spent hours getting it to work though... it turns out after many tries that my original USB cable from Sony is broken. I was about to blame Sony for bad cable quality... until l used the one from PlayStation and it worked flawlessly. Installation via USB only works on some browser/OS configurations and also asks you to install some kernel module to connect to the camera (wut). It's done through this website: https://www.playmemoriescameraapps.com/portal/ c. camera USB connection setting must be set to Mass Storage. Try USB LUN to Single as well. d. If you cannot connect to Playmemories site from the camera (the camera will try to navigate to https://www.playmemoriescameraapps.com/portal/), there may be many causes. 1. Update date/time settings on your camera. 2. Set area to US. 3. Try different WIFI. I couldn't connect on my home WIFI, but setting up a WIFI hostpot on my mobile did the trick. 4. Smart Remote App may require camera firmware update. I had to update my a5000 from v1.00 to v1.10. This must be done over USB, but NOT through Playmemories website. Instead try this one: https://www.sony.pl/electronics/support/downloads/Z0005406, download installer for your model (it's just a normal .exe on Windows, without any kernel module needed), and run it. Anyways, I got it to work. Bulb setting via remote control (Sony Imaging Edge app) is available and it doesn't seem like LENR is used, just like pointed out by Draculas-GR. Hope this helps
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