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Malko Marchio

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Posts posted by Malko Marchio

  1. Thank you all for the warm welcome and all the valuable information. The C9.25 sounds like the best choice. I also like what everyone was saying about the C8. My only concern is I would like to get the best option for now. I hear you when you say it won’t be the last one but it’s like if I was buying my first iPhone and money isn’t an issue I’d want to get the iPhone 11 and not the iPhone 5. Technology these days progress so quickly that I want to start with a good one so in a few years when the next best telescope comes out that will be an upgrade. The question I now have is the difference between the C8 and C9.25 with the extra expense. Will I eventually be able to see objects much closer and clearer with the C9.25?

    Thank you so much for helping me choose the best one guys. I live in an area where in a good night the sky is so clear and just gazing into the heavens is amazing so now I need to just sit in my garden and explore the heavens but want to get as close as possible and have as clear an image as possible. Thank you all once again. Looking forward to starting this hobby/voyage. Best regards,


  2. Hello all,

    I am crazy about the universe and would like to purchase a once off telescope to view it more closely.

    i was thinking about the C8 telescope. I would like to see planets, galaxies as clearly and closely as possible. Budget is not really an issue as I just want to buy once and enjoy viewing. What’s your thoughts on the best telescope for a beginner who will study how to use it properly but want to see everything out there. Thank you for any feedback.

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