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Raymond Lillard

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Posts posted by Raymond Lillard

  1. I am a very long time Unix (Linux) user.  I am currently using Xubuntu 20.04. I am very comfortable with Linux and the BSDs (although the BSDs are not relevant here).  I am new to astro- .photography   I have a strong dislike of all things Windows and things related thereto.


    I really want a Unix (Linux) based astro photography solution.  I find Kstars/EKos to be very capable and it appears to a nearly perfect solution except that it is too unstable for my This my be in part, my fault.  I have installed the bleeding edge version I found at


    Currently it is at v3.5.5.  I have not found a comprehensive list of repo components or a comprehensive install tool for the Kstars tool set, so It is possible that I am missing some object modults or have picket up some bad Juju while looking around gathering up all the pieces.

    Some of my problems my be associated with my equipment.  I have ZWO cameras and a Nikon D810A,  a iOptron CEM25 mount and an Astro-Physics Mach1.  All of these components appear to be working fine.  I can connect to all of my equipment until the software crashes without an error message, or locks up en an infinite loop with  the signals off (sometimes it takes a kill -9 to regain control).  Much of my difficulties  are associated with plate solving.  When it works, it works immediately.  When it fails the error messages are incomprehensible.

    Would installing Kstars on an Arch based distribution help?

    Would installing something without the words "bleeding-edge" in its name help ?

    Please don't drive me into the arms of N.I.N.A.


    PS:  I am aware that the Astro-Physics driver has problems.  If all my other problems were solved I might have a look at fixing some of them; however the present state of things is just too much.

    Thanks all,




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