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Posts posted by chris285

  1. When I saw the news yesterday I couldn't help but have a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat at the news and reading through these comments has brough them back, I don't think anyone can truely measure the impact he had on the field of astronomy suffice to say his passion for the subject lives on through everyone he touched with with enthusiasm for the subject. I just hope that SAN does not suffer from this, as the biggest tragedy would be for the show he presented for so long and inspired so many to fade out and not inspire and educate people on the wonders of our universe.

    I myself have always had an interest in the stars but cannot pinpoint a single catalyst which started it all, what I do know is that I can always remember Sir Patrick talking about the subject for the last 20+ years I can remember with such enthusiasm that you couldn't help but take an take an interest in what he had to say.

    He was an inspiration to so many and lets hope he knew how many people young and old he inspired, and all with no formal qualifications just sheer passion for the subject which was so infectious.

    We will never see another like him in our lifetime I don't think, and true legend and game changer

    RIP Sir Patrick

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