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Posts posted by Ford52

  1. Hi all

    A few years ago,I had a 4 inch achromatic from skywatcher. Didn’t use it that much as it had annoying purple fringes around planets and especially the Moon,was set up in the living room as a semi grab and go. Did anyone else have issues with this scope? Had also at the time an Orion optics UK 8 inch f6 Europa on a GEM mount,the optics were nice and I had some great views of the Moon,Jupiter and Saturn. Around about 2002 at one of Mars closest approaches got my first good views of Mars and saw Syrtis Major clearly not just a ‘hint’. The Europa seemed better than the achromat and I still have it now though gave up the GEM to go with a OMC 140 Mak Cass that I sold.

    Clear skies



  2. Hello,


    just a a quick hello from a new member with an “old” astronomers head! Been into astronomy since 10 or 11 now 52. Started with scope bought by parents,the 60 mm Tasco refractor,which got me hooked. Then as I got older with more money progressed onto Orion 8 inch Newt ,4 inch refractor and the OMC 140 ,which was great but with heavy EQ mount awkward to move about and not grab and go. Now own celestron 8se but am working in UAE  and scope  is in storage  at my folks house,set it up when I went to UK this summer but no good nights to use it. Looking forward to using it some day in mild climes ,UAE not great for observing,stays optically hot til early morning,3 am ish and light pollution is a big thing. Will have to be a bit of an armchair astronomer for a little longer,mores the pity.

    Anyway,good to meet you all and to becoming a member.

    Clear skies to all




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