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Posts posted by djs44

  1. I have had stellerium for some time on my PC,i have now added it to my I phone and found  some descepicies,now on my pc on the left are some icons that help to find for example M31 type it in and go direct to that,now on my i phone i do not have those icons on the left,my question is how do i find M31 for example.OK next prob with i phoen i have put my location in on  Stellarium time is correct etc but i amm allways in night time not dayligght how can i remedy this on a i Phone please

  2. 2 hours ago, DaveL59 said:

    yikes, in your location I'd not advise pointing a laser into the skies, especially once aircraft are back operating. You might be careful but a pilot reporting a laser beam could well result in a visit from the boys in blue. Endangering an aircraft is a pretty serious one to get pulled on. As Micheal above has said, lasers cause major problems for pilots and in areas near an airport where planes are typically taking off or landing, losing vision the last thing a pilot needs. I used to be a manager at an airport in a built up area where VFR (visual flight rules) was the only way to operate, a pilot losing vision there could be very serious given the tall buildings and steep approach.

    Do you not have a red dot finder on your scope? That should get you reasonably onto target if its properly aligned. If you want to upgrade it to something better then a telrad or rigel one are well recommended, or if you prefer a decent finderscope.

    Thank you for that info,i will change finder scope,going to take a look at telrad.As for the laser pen am going to bin that.

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  3. 3 hours ago, DaveL59 said:

    can I ask, why would you expect there to be a beam? 

    Just as with a torch, you'll only really see a beam if the light is passing through something that's diffusing it, like mist or smoke.

    Don't know if you recall a time when Oxford Street spent a fortune putting a laser light display up instead of the traditional lights?

    It was deemed a flop because you didn't see the beams tracking, tho I was lucky to walk along one evening when it was drizzling, it looked way better than on a dry night :) 

    To be honest i saw one used at my astronomy club it had a nice wide beam.As j am pretty much new to astronomy  my idea was to put the laser on my scope as a aid to my view finder then turn it of when found that is why i bought this one.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Philip R said:

    Hi Derek.

    Can you post a screenshot of the error message as it is displayed/shown on your tablet/phone?

    If you wish to run Android OS apps via MS-Windows, you need to have ‘BlusStacks’ installed on the host PC.

    Hi Phillip 2 images one iis the app i trying to put on my android phone other is a screenshot of message i get.Ok i have put a file expplore onto my phone or shoud it have gone on pc,just hoping to get ap onto my mobile am at a loss now

    sky view.jpg


  5. I am trying to down load a pp called sky view,yes i know there is Stellerium etc but i donot have  gyroscope in my phone with sky view one is not needed,i have winessed the app in operation very good it is to.Now my prob getting it onto my phone i keep getting the message.Sky View3-6-1(1)APK File does not have a file associated with it for performing this action.Please in stall a app or if one is allready installed create association in the default apps settin page.This does not mean a lot to me,so i assum it is  on my phone Motoc settings Apps find app with default take it out the put default in new app then download sky view.Now have treied this  but get same message all the time.I cant find a default on any app only prtial defaults whi i cant seem to drop.any help be appreciated  but keep it simple please as my knowledge of doing these things is poor.Many thanks Derek

  6. 43 minutes ago, don4l said:

    The first image looks like it was taken on a different night to the other two.  I wouldn't try to combine this with the other images.  The moon is constantly changing, so stacking images taken at different times will not work well.

    You will need a bunch of images taken at the same time. They should preferably all be similar to each other.  In your Canon, set the JPEG size to "L".

    There are astronomical societies in Basingstoke and Farnham/Aldershot.  I know that there are some astrophotographers in the Farnham group, and they are happy to help.

    I have just joined the Basingstoke society ok i can redo with sevral from same night.Any idea whi in autostakkert the analyse button is blanked out unclickable ?I am not sure how to load 5 images in to autostkkert all i can di is one

  7. 49 minutes ago, JamesF said:

    You don't have to donate to use AutoStakkert.  It's merely appreciated if you do.  The download links are further down the same page.  I'd probably actually go for the beta version 3.0.14, which is downloadable from here: http://www.astrokraai.nl/software/latest.php


    ok found it does autoatakkert havw quick load icon

    49 minutes ago, JamesF said:

    You don't have to donate to use AutoStakkert.  It's merely appreciated if you do.  The download links are further down the same page.  I'd probably actually go for the beta version 3.0.14, which is downloadable from here: http://www.astrokraai.nl/software/latest.php



  8. 12 minutes ago, don4l said:

    CCDStack isn't free and you are absolutely right to look for something easy.  That's why I didn't mention it before.

    A couple of people have mentioned Autostakkert.  It is available here:-  https://www.autostakkert.com/

    Why don't you put up one or two of your jpegs and people can give their opinion?

    I did try to download autostakkert it seems you need to donate first,i am not mean but 75 years of age i have watch the pennies.I will attach a couple jpegs to this post

    vlcsnap-2018-09-17-22h40m46s324 - Copy (2).png



  9. 15 minutes ago, don4l said:


    I use CCDStack, and it has a very good manual alignment mode.  You just drag, rotate and scale until you can see that the frames are aligned.

    Is there nothing that is freely available that will do the same?

    My main prob is understanding it all am very new to all this,i really thought stacking was a simple thing to.CCD stack is new one to me is it free or do you have to pay,i need some real easy  untill i get more experiance

  10. 12 minutes ago, don4l said:

    The only reason that jpeg is no good for stacking is that jpegs have already lost some of the data, so you could get a better result using a different format.  However, this is irrelevant if you cannot get stacking to work at all.

    I wonder if you wouldn't be better off using something like Deepskystacker to stack these images?


    I am new to all this from what i see on my canon there is 2 quality raw and jpeg or am i wrong ?.I have only took a few shots of the moon liked what i saw but wanted to enhance the photos.Is there a min limit to amout of images to stack ?

  11. Not sure if am posting in correct place.I have tried  stacking for the first time using registax,after 3 hours i am getting no where.First of all i find it hard to get more then one  image  up,and more often then not there is no set alignment on screen,ok on the odd occasion it has popped up so mo idea what i am doing wrong there.I have followed or tried to from some instructions on You Tube.The other problem i have has is when i click stack nothing happens at all.

                                                                                                                            The order i have been trying to stack is Select image usually just the one is all i can  get up,then assuming it is on the screen i click set alignment points,ithen bring the slider down to say 25,then i click limit stack wavelet do all save image i get nothing at all,and more often the stack does nothing on the percentage bar.Finding this a tad frustrating    DEREK

  12. 32 minutes ago, Ouroboros said:

    Ouroboros here @djs44.  Our names are above our picture on left hand side of each post. 

    The Moon and planets should be OK for your set up without a motorised mount. 

    You'll struggle getting good deep sky images without a motorised mount. 

    Good luck tonight taking some pics of the moon. Hopefully it'll be clearish. 

    ONly thing i not to happy on is the clarity of the photos


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