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Posts posted by Paul_Pacific

  1. Hi Guys,

    Have had the SA for a few months now and getting some nice wide angle shots. I now want to push the timelapse functions and need to know what shutter release cable to buy for a Nikon D7200. I bought the cable recommended for the D90/D5000 as i read online that it would work with the D7200. It does not !! It just fires the camera continuously. If there is anyone out there using a D7200 please let me know what cable and where oyu bought it. I have emailed skywatcher a number of times and no replies at all. Their customer service sucks . . . .


  2. Hi,


    Could you tell me what shutter release cable you are using? I bought one from B&H in the USA and the packet says for the D90/D5000 but had read online that it also works for the D7200. It does not !!! It just fires the camera continuously :-( Really looking to get this resolved as want to use the advanced timelapse functions which will require the unit to control the camera release.




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