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Posts posted by MysticReverie

  1. 18 minutes ago, John said:

    If you are observing from the UK the factor that limits the results when observing Jupiter at present is it's altitude in the sky - it's very low and observing obliquely through the atmosphere takes it's toll on sharpness and contrast.

    This opposition I've consistently found that my refractors (100mm - 130mm aperture) give better images of Jupiter than my 12 inch dobsonian. When Jupiter has been higher in the sky the 12 inch dob has delivered superb images of it.


    I see. Thanks.
    Would any filters help with that? Maybe stop the glare and see some detail.
    I only have a moon filter at present.

  2. 1 hour ago, joe aguiar said:

    There r many scopes that can give u good planetary views. However if u want the best then it's an apo. But these can be expensive. 

    An acro like 4"f10 is decent will give good views or 5inch f/8 or 9. Remember size is also important. Larger than a 5" they become heavy and large. Altho right now I have the 150mm skywatcher f/8 evo apo which I just replaced it with the Meade 152f9 apo(0lder scope)

    I also have meade 6000 130mm triplet apo and a tak TSA 120 and a tak 102 TSA which are considered to be best in the world optics.

    So best views are these however I got good views from these too

    7 inch f15 mak just about almost as good as a 6 apo, slot cheaper but mak took 2 to 3 hrs to cool even with fans.

    A 6 inch mak would be good too but again long cool down.

    A reflector like people r saying could be good but your collamation has to be good. And at highter power with no slow motion controls, no drive will be bit hard on high power views. The object will leave the ep view after 20 secs. Do u want to keep hand moving it?

    A eq version can work too but after 8 inch its becomes big and bulky.

    Scts are very popular and sizes are very portable and views are good.

    But best views would be a 4 to 5 inch apo. 5 if u could afford it. It can be a doublet doesnt have to be a triplet.



    Thanks for the info :)

    I don't mind moving the scope too much. I have the viewfinder dialed in so its not to hard locating things again if they go out of view.
    I'm pretty confident the scope I have is capable of much clearer planetary views than I've had so far. I've seen many youtube videos of Jupiter etc. The details were pretty good. I'm just unsure which factor is stopping me from getting similar results, but as I say, maybe the sky just needs to be clearer is all.

  3. Ha! Yes!
    I've only just been able to have some clear sky this evening. The Crescent moon looked great through the x2 Barlow! Huge actually.

    I did have a slightly smaller diameter scope a few years back (the type that sits on an EQ mount) so knew what to expect but it was great to see it again up close.
    I can locate Planets easily thanks to Stellarium, but as yet I've not been able to get a clear image of Jupiter, with or without the Barlow.
    My with my old scope I could see some detail of Jupiter, even with the scope indoors and looking out the window.  So far though I can only see a bright blob and some specks of light where Jupiters moons are. Very cool, but hopefully I will be able to get a clearer image. 
    Maybe It's not totally clear this evening.. or maybe It's a collimation thing... or maybe the new scope is more affected by indoor thermals or something.

    Thanks again all for the replies !

    P.S.  I think it's not totally clear tonight, I'm sure that is probably having a big effect on the distant planets.
    The sky looks clear, but I sometimes can see many more stars with my naked eye than I can this evening.
    I live in an area with pretty low light pollution.

    I'll wait for the last of the moistons to clear up then put the scope through it's paces more thoroughly  !

  4. Thanks again.

    Sorry to keep asking, but I don't want to buy a dud:

    1. Which 6mm eyepeice would you recommend !?  
    2. Is it worth getting a 3mm with my 8' scope or is that overkill?
    3. Since FLO and Rother Valley websites have different stock I will have  to split my orders?  Both websites have moon filters, but I don't know which one to go for.

    They also both have different Barlows and Collimators, but not the ones recommended to me:
    https://www.firstlightoptics.com/other-collimation-tools/astro-essentials-cheshire-collimating-eyepiece.html   only avalable at FLO.
    https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/skywatcher-x2-deluxe-achromatic-barlow-lens-125.html  only available at Rother Valley.
    They of course have variants available, but I don't know if they are as good... The FLO Barlow on offer does not mention that it's 'achromatic'  for example.

    Then I think I'm all set.. just need to clouds to go away !

  5. Thanks again for the help and suggestions and sorry for the late reply.
    There probably are astronomy clubs in my area.. I know I'm pretty close to an observatory too.

    I got the Skywatcher Dob 200p as recommended here.
    I assembled it but due to the cloudy weather here have not been able to use it.

    A few questions before I use it if I may:

    1. The scope comes with two 'adapters' that I need to put ion the scope before I can attach the eyepiece. Should I use both the adapters? This will increase the focal length and therefore magnification?  Or better to just use one adapter then add the eyepiece? I definitely need to put one on, or the eyepiece wont fit.. I'm confused why there are two though.

    2. It came with 25mm and 10mm eyepieces. Would you recommend a 5mm or barlow or something also? If so, which ones are a good choice?

    3. Is it really that important to get the scope to ambient outside temperature before use? I'm using it in my bedroom with the window open.

    4. Can you recommend a good collimating device!?


    There isn't much light pollution where I'm staying.. I look forward to a clear night so I can get stuck in.

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  6. Hello
    I don't mind if it has no 'go to' capabilities. 
    Any ideas for a decent but no crazily expensive scope mainly for planet gazing?
    I saw there are two main types of telescope. One kind can leave blue or green outlines around the planets, but can give very sharp start viewing. I guess I'm after the other type then.

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