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  1. Hi everyone, I managed somehow to pinpoint the Rover tracks from the Apollo 15 Landing with my Nexstar 4se matched up with a 2x Barlow and a Neximage Burst Color. The rover tracks are somewhat dim but figured it was the best I could get with my equipment and due to being in FL the humidity makes it hard to get clearer images, but here's what I got and how I did it(to the best of what I remember was excited to get the shot and did not take note while capturing the image of it's specific details) but I will do my best. -Nexstar 4se, 2x Barlow and Neximage Burst Color was used in capturing the images, took 200 frames at 25fps, not sure on what exposure was but believe that I had the exposure set to 1/27fps -iCap software was also used for the image, RegiStax was used for stacking the images, stacked 100 frames, did some detailing with the layers in wavelet feature, then came up with this as my best results.(Slightly blurry due to FL atmosphere)
  2. Thanks Cornelius that is very helpful I shall try a few more adjustments next time and thanks everyone for feedback, much appreciated and thanks Philip I was having trouble locating Uranus this morning as my eyepiece is a 25mm so I get a pretty small view of uranus trying to find it is a hassle sometimes but fortunately while tracing around the early morning skies I managed to see within my eyepiece(did not take photos do to my concern with artifacts showing up) but I managed to sweep across and stop on a set of double stars for the first time, which was very interesting to see two stars so close.
  3. Thanks for the replies I do feel there could be something causing an artifact I was mainly I guess hoping it was not lol I shall try to get another photo stacked and processed tomorrow without the barlow and see what the rings may do then thanks again for the feedback guys. J47
  4. Oh wow that is interesting to view them in IR, I was also believing it to be possibly an artifact coming from somewhere but I tried my focus knob both ways and didnt clear any of the fog which would make sense that it would be coming from the barlow and not my focusing. Do you believe that I captured a moon in this photo that appears about 45 degrees down to the right of the planet? very faint but does stick out more than it's surroundings
  5. Hello stargazers, welcome. I had posted a picture yesterday of Uranus that had appeared to show its rings. I am using a Nexstar 4se, a 2x Barlow, and my Neximage Burst Color and capturing hundreds of photos and stacking them for my results. But still had me and others curious to if I were actually seeing the rings of Uranus or maybe just a glare of some sort. So I got back out there this morning, might I note I live in FL where the weather tends to stay hot so clear imaging during this time of year can be difficult, but not impossible as this image that I stacked 150 out of 300 images taken may show that statement holds true..............or I could just be mistaken the object in the image, but all in all I am feeling pretty confident that I have a decently clear image(stacked 150 images) of Uranus, its rings, and one of it's distant moons. It may be necessary to zoom in on my photo in order to see the moon it should be down and to the right of the planet a good distance in relation to the size of planet, I noticed that looking at Uranus in the photo helped bring the moon out just like stargazing in real-time. If anyone can better distinguish what I might have done right or wrong here any help would be appreciated (also forgot to change format save for my images so I am stuck with .bmp and setting it as a download, sorry for any inconvenience.) - - - J47(JAY) uranusringmoon.bmp
  6. I also have read into the angle we view Uranus and everything I found related to Uranus looking somewhat like a bullseye due to the angle at which it sits in relativity to Earth and that the rings are vertical. Not certain on if any of those links were recent or not but I agree there is some questioning due to the fact of their faintness thanks for that observation I was also hoping for feedback as such incase this was infact an operator error lol
  7. weeellll, I'm not 100 percent on if they are the rings or not but they were alot brighter i faded them out during processing to hopefully get the clear image of the planet but it seemed they didn't disappear as easily as I thought casual fuzz might have but this is my first time observing a farther planet such as Uranus, I'm used to the usual Saturn, or Jupiter astrophotography and how they act in our atmosphere and I do agree it would be a far catch to have such brightness in the rings but one online search had me wondering it was images taken of Uranus on the same plane and said the rings were luminescent from the particles not disagreeing with you because again I am new to thus but the link was of much greater detail of that you would expect being the images taken from space telescopes but the rings put off a hazy like image in their photo that was very similar in relation to my photo just very miniature. I do lean both ways but might I add Uranus was also, before processing the image, was just a single blob and hazy then after tuning the wavelets did the rings appear.
  8. Oh thank you I was uncertain that there was a way to have it up without download and looks much better cropped, much appreciated. J47(JAY)
  9. Hi everyone I managed to wake up early this morning and get a great image processed using Registax6.1 of Uranus. I am new to astrophotography but enjoying every second of it. I have a Nexstar 4se that I used to capture these images with also increased my zoom by using a 2x Barlow. Only through my Neximage Burst Color (in which was used to take the images) was I able to make out to hazy blue planet best. Using iCap2.4 software for capturing the images heres what I did..... - Images taken and processed September 4, 2019 around 5:00 A.M.- 5:30 A.M. - decreased the gain to around 330-380 while exposure was set to 27 fps - adjusted my focus - took 200 frames at 25 fps Continuing to Registax I processed the images only using the best frames out of 100, I added a few prefilters: BLUR was adjusted slightly to around 10-15, SMOOTH was decreased by around 5, and contrast prefilter, forget what it was called, was reduced to .90. I tuned the wavelets until the hazy spot between the rings and planet were no longer visible and the difference with the rings and planet begin to appear. Here's the results hope they are as cool to everyone else, as I find it amazing my 4se can see that much into detail. uranus-rings.bmp
  10. Hi my name is Jay, new to all and any forums, lol. Not sure where to start so here I go. I have a few questions about Sirius the double star while observing through my Nexstar 4se telescope using a 2x Barlow and my neximage burst color. While I was able to capture quite stunning results of the star Sirius, this morning before sunrise, I was curious though as to if I might have incorrectly focused my scope on the star or if this image is a clear image of the star? I will attach a brief 7-8 second video I took this morning. It was the first time I had gotten to focus my scope on the star as it kept drifting before but I solved the drifting issue as a result of improper anti-backlash. But now back to the video, was wondering if any of you could help determine if I properly focused on the star because from what I see the star appears to be in the shape of an out-of-control atom in the video and at the center it is black, is this the observing of a quasar? Thanks for all the help in advance if anyone stops by thanks for the time and efforts here's the video. star.avi
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