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    Nicosia, Cyprus

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  1. I think it all comes down to the following things: scope itself eyepieces you use the mount and good environmental conditions I have decided (for now) to keep the travel scope and maybe add a 6mm eyepiece for a better view of some planets. Regarding nebulas and galaxies, you can easily use a 25mm eyepiece, right? As far as I understand, it is not about focus, but rather the environmental conditions and the scope's strength.
  2. So guys, problem solved! 1) The finder was faulty, so it was replaced. 2) Once I added the diagonal piece (that was missing) everything was perfect! Overall it is a nice scope, but it is quite limited, due to the fact that it is a 70mm one. Is there any addition to enhance magnification? Maybe a smaller eyepiece? For instance, I could see Jupiter and its moons and Saturn (a sense of its rings), but I would really appreciate something better Any suggestions will be more than welcome!
  3. I bought it new and already contacted the vendor about it. I am expecting a replacement tomorrow. @happy-kat: why is that? Doesn’t need to be completely attached?
  4. Thank you both for the valuable feedback. There is no difference when using it during the day, for neither scopes. It is again blurred. @cornelius: Of course I am not expecting a crystal clear view from the finder, but I would expect something visible at least
  5. You are right, but it should work at least for terrestrial objects. Also, the main scope does not include any mirrors, so it all comes down to the eyepieces. Any more ideas on why both the finder and the scope are blurred at any direction? I have read something about the temperature inside/outside, but I cannot recall.
  6. It is basically like the below image: Just a bright blur. I tried to edit the focus, but there was no difference on either the finderscope or the main scope.
  7. Thank you Stu for your quick reply! I have already asked for the diagonal piece and I will try it out. My first and most weird question is about the finderscope. Why can't it focus on anything? It does not make any sense at all...
  8. Hello all, I have just bought a Celestron Travelscope 70 to start with my "baby steps" in the astrogazing field and I am experiencing the following problems: The finderscope is always blurry. I tried to re-adjust the focus but I could never get a clear image of anything. Last night, when I tried it on the moon, I just got a bright yellow circle... I also got everything blurred with the main scope. I tried both the 10 and 20 eyepieces, but I could not get a clear shot of anything. Also, I tried it on the moon, but I also got the aforementioned blurred and bright yellow circle. I tried the focus handle on every position, but I got nothing. The 45° erect image diagonal was missing from the package. Does it make any difference to the performance of the main scope? Since that particular scope can also be used for terrestrial observations (e.g. birds etc), I find it really difficult to believe that everything is broken :P. I must be doing something wrong... Thank you in advance for your help! P.S. I hope to resolve the issue soon, since this is my first attempt on the field and I don't want it to go south from the first step...
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