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Posts posted by retret66

  1. 1 hour ago, nfotis said:

    Interesting technique (though I had a hard time discerning the menus and textboxes in my 14" screen of my laptop, I think that the big trick is setting the black point in order to eliminate the borders). What happens if there's  also some rotation between the different scope images? Does registration account for this as well?



    The rotation will not have any issue with registration, it will pick it up, the initial adjustment of shades of gray/exposure to match will play a big role in the black level adjustment, the less adjustment the better but I tried them all and I cannot find any noticeable on drop of quality. Apologies about the small menu, was recording it via a 6K screen and adjusted pixinsight core UI larger, maybe next time I will double it

  2. I recently upgraded all my reducer/flattener to APEX ED .65x to bring each scope to F4.5 @464mm focal length each. Middle is the reference FOV, both sides are on an AZ saddle so it is easier to match the middle. This has been my main DSO scope for couple of years now and will be replacing the mount with CEM70 backordered and move the current CEM60 to my RC10. Absolutely no flexture on all scope. I use OAG for guiding. The advantage for tri-scope is to eliminate filter wheel. When moon is bright I utilize all 3 Ha filters then do more OIII during moonless nights. Focuser used are Boss II and optec lynx. All 3 main cameras, 1 mount, 1 guide camera and 3 focusers are all fed to the CEM60 cable management port to a single 16Ft USB2 cable. APT is used for imaging with synchronized multicamera and dithering. The scopes are covered and stays outside, setup time 15min from uncovering to imaging.






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  3. 4 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

    Very rich in colour!  You have a lot of Ha - 36 hours - versus just half of that in luminance. Was this a conscious decision or one dictated by the set up of your imaging rig?

    I got tired of it and intended to put at least 50hrs of luminance but the whole week of cloudy weather and 3 ZWO ASI183MM came, so I will top for a while and will continue with all luminance again.

  4. M31 - Anromeda in HaLRGB - 97 Hrs over 8 nights 😆
    Luminance = 579 x 120s / 19.3Hrs
    Red = 167 x 300s / 13.9Hrs
    Green = 172 x 300s / 14.3Hrs
    Blue = 169 x 300s / 14.0Hrs
    H-Alpha = 432 x 300s - 36Hrs

    Scope: https://flic.kr/p/2gAfKn7

    Higher Resolution:



    • Like 21
  5. After the first night when the smoke no longer in the east coast I was able to add more for a total of about 35hrs on OIII. 571mm @F5.6 on Bortle 6. I will add more tonight and excellent seeing and transparency on the forecast. Most likely another 15hrs will be added tonight.

    336 x 300s OIII
    47 x 600s OIII



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  6. I accepted defeat on this object last year when I tried it and I went back on this last night  with my new configuration, my previous was a triscope @F5.6 400mm canon lens and the 3hrs OIII only barely shows the outline on the tip. Now with the new configuration 714mm F7 reduced to 571mm @ F5.6 and 3x 3nm OIII and in one night I was able to make out the squid with 3.5hrs of imaging time (or about 10.5hrs data) in single night. The tri-scope is equivalent to F2.8 single scope. Tonight I have another 4-5hrs of clear sky in the forecast so hopefully I will get more detail. I have bortle 6.

    Telescope: https://flic.kr/p/2gAfKn7


    121 x 300sec Gain=200  Offset=45 on ZWO ASI1600MM


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  7. I did build an RPi 3+ a year ago to make my triscope completely wireless in case I moved to a different house. Without any complicated setup I loaded Indigosky on it. Everything works, 3 cameras simultaneously, dithering, PHD2 all worked. I use APT which support Indi bridge. This is how I set it up.  


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  8. I have Astrodon 3nm SHO and LRGB, even though they say it is parfocal, I find it still slightly out of focus and I think this is probably due to manufacturing tolerance. This is why I turn to a tri-scope to eliminate changing filters many times during a session.

  9. Taken with Lunt 60mm Pressure Tuned Double Stacked telescope. Full image was taken with ZWO174MM and the close up prominence is taken with ZWO ASI290MM with powermate 2.5x.
    Full disc: 5,000 best frames out of 10,000 in AVI format
    Close up: 1,000 best frames out of 5,000 in SER format



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  10. 15 hours ago, simmo39 said:

    Stunning! I was thinking of doing this target as my season starter but need to be quick as it hides its self behind trees!

    This was the main reason for me on my previous place when I built this, most object I only have 2-3hrs window and it is a waste of clear night.

  11. 2 hours ago, david_taurus83 said:

    That's some setup! Do you ever get alignment or flexure issues?

    Alignment and rotation only on first setup and/or change of camera. Zero flexture on OAG, with over 1000 images I took it has zero flextures. Only if my mount is acting once in a while but all 3 will be discarded

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