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Posts posted by LjMaila

  1. We just got back from camping up past Mt. Lassen. We stargaze every night. Count satellites, as well as the ultra coveted shooting stars. For the first time in my life I witnessed the lone flash, and I am no "amateur astronomer" like the original post (plenty of astronomy jargon I did not understand) just a person who loves watching the stars.

    We kept seeing these "flashes" in the sky. No, the entire sky does not light up. It is more as if you are in a dark football stadium and one person up in the stands takes a picture with flash. The flash will not light up the entire stadium, but you will see the flash, and then darkness. 

    I followed the "Flash! Iridium Flares Captured" link, and that was nothing like what we saw. Very beautiful video footage if you follow the link, the satellite light getting so big and bright and then dimming back down. However, not what I witnessed on our camping trip. Just a bright flash, like a very distant camera flash, then darkness...no trail, no dim satellite moseying along, also the bright flash does not move like those in the link. Just a bright flash as if, as someone mentioned, a "shooting star" were coming straight at the observer and not at an angle. 

    I did a random Google search and nothing really came up. This forum topic (original post) seems to be exactly what we saw. Based on the responses it seems as though the flashes may just be the debris floating around our planet catching and reflecting light, or a meteor coming straight towards earth, or maybe the collision of the debris? No concrete answer, but it is nice to have an idea of what it might be.

    If there is any certain explanation as to what the flashes are, and if anyone reads old thread posts, kindly point me in the right direction please. We were pretty shook. Not really. We just hypothesized they were shooting stars we were seeing burn up in the atmosphere coming at us head on, so no trail or tail. Thank you for your time and for the posts!

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