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Posts posted by Yourdog

  1. Well that certainly brought out more color of the nebula and darkened the sky.. are some of the stars supposed to be yellowish? I've been reading up and people say that "the data is there" even if taken in black and white. Does that mean that the true color of the stars with a long exposure is going to bring out more colors of a particular item or is that a strictly a result of post-processing? I'm assuming there is a way to focus only on the nebula for some changes and a way to focus on everything else separately, I hope someone chimes in on GIMP or another suitable free program because I can't see myself paying that much on some software 😅 I understand the paid software can be great, but surely there's a way to do things without having to spend much more money.. 

  2. Hello, I was able to take pictures of my first nebula a few nights ago, I am stoked. 😀 Anyway I am trying to process the stacked image that included darks, flats, and bias shots through DSS. My problem is I live in a very light polluted area, so I have to turn my settings up high on my ZWO ASI120MC-S camera (I know its not designed for this but working on a budget) which introduces some noise and I see a slight brightness to my images. I am planning on using GIMP to post-process since I can't afford Photoshop, does anyone have any suggestions on how to take care of the excess light in the photo, make the sky darker, and possibly bring out more of the color in the nebula? I am new to GIMP and have played around with exposure, brightness, and contrast but it makes everything darker which I don't care about the stars so much but it also darkens the nebula. Thank you for your time!

    The image Autosave.tif is from DSS which is the one I'm trying to process through GIMP and the M57.bmp is one that I tried processing through Registax (the only issue with that is I don't know what I'm doing in there either) and its really hard to see the nebula on a phone screen..


    Autosave.tif M57.bmp

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  3. On 22/06/2019 at 18:30, vlaiv said:

    If you captured JPEG (which you should not do in any case) - than every other program just believes that image is color image. Problem is with capture application - it recorded raw output from the camera and converted it into JPEG without doing debayering.

    Here are some pointers.

    - Don't use jpeg or avi with compression. Most compression algorithms that deal with images and video are created to exploit "natural looking" images and are in fact changing the data (to make it more compressible), while keeping natural look. When working with astronomical images - you don't want your data to be changed at all, so avoid these.

    - If you are going to shoot a video (for planetary that is best approach) - use SER format. If you are going to shoot stills - FITS is the best format for astronomy.

    - Set your capture application to work with SER format - use 16bit if you can. Don't debayer yet - just record mono data. If your capture application does not offer these options - look up FireCapture or SharpCap applications - these are both very good for planetary recording.

    - Shoot a set of darks (also in ser format - same exposure, just cover telescope). Also shoot set of flats / flat darks if you have a flat panel. You can load all these in PIPP to do calibration. Now you can select different workflow - either debayer in PIPP or leave bayer matrix intact and just do calibration and other small processing before you open your movie (again select SER as output) in AS!3.

    It is best if you watch some tutorials (I'm almost certain you can find examples of how to work with SharpCap / PIPP/ AS!3 on youtube), or read some blog posts / tutorials on this topic and just try things out.

    Ok, I tried again tonight with both SER for video and FITS for stills at 16-bit. I ran both of Jupiter and Saturn and they are coming out clear but I am still getting the squares when I use those formats. I know I am missing something, I just haven't figured it out yet. I didn't get any darks because I was too much in a hurry since it started to rain and I didn't think about it because I was focusing on getting all of my equipment in a safe location. I do not have a flat panel. I ran the captures through PIPP first, both with debayering in PIPP and without, but either way I was still getting the same results. If I don't debayer within PIPP,  the options within AS!3 just don't turn out good.. I will watch videos and read up on everything. Just giving status updates and maybe looking for some more pointers. I played around with irfanview and it was able to remove some of the checkerboard pattern but I am giving up on those pictures and will try again when the moon comes back around.

  4. Thank you, I will experiment more. Do you think there is a way to save these JPEGs? I mostly use FireCapture and have tried SharpCap. I've seen SER and FITS in the program but since I didn't really know much I just stick with what I've always seen - JPEG. Just curious, why do these programs have JPEG as an option?

  5. 2 hours ago, knobby said:

    Nice images, looks it's somehow picked the wrong debayer pattern.

    Should be GRBG for the 120 mc s


    Edit - you also seem to be capturing in jpeg from the firecapture log, try an avi and then use autostakkert to debayer / align frames

    How can you tell? I've also tried going through each one of the debayer options but it just changes the colors, but keeps the squares. I've also used AVI in the past but I seem to be having more success with pictures so I normally just stick with JPEG.. still a newbie so I don't really know what I'm doing wrong.


    2 hours ago, vlaiv said:

    Hi, welcome to SGL.

    Image that you posted is a single frame of the target, right?

    Checker board pattern is quite normal for OSC (one shot color) - cameras. These cameras don't provide color "out of the box" - they in fact have something called Bayer matrix. This means that there is 2x2 grid of pixels each recording different color - red, blue and two green - and it repeats over the whole image.

    When you capture raw image from such camera - you end up with "mono data" with such grid - that is what is causing checker board pattern.

    Way to get rid of it is to perform something called Debayering (or sometimes demosaic). Software should handle that for you.

    That was just one photo out of over 800 but I'm capturing with JPEG setting with no limit until I feel I have enough photos captured. I am trying to figure out which programs to use and how to use them, I tried loading them in PIPP and AutoStakkert changing the debayer options but it doesn't seem to change anything besides color while keeping the squares.

  6. Hello, I am new to the forum and I've recently started taking photos of the sky, this is my first telescope and have been enjoying it a lot although I need a lot more practice and time hah. I have been searching through multiple forums trying to figure out what is causing a checkerboard pattern on my images. Recently I took a lot of photos of the Moon and when zooming in to the photos there is a checkerboard pattern with the entire photo. Users have recommended using PIPP before processing the images through AutoStakkert and Registax. I have attempted doing so, but with no luck (I still don't really know what I'm doing) and am looking for assistance. I have had successful shots of the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn in the past and I don't know what has changed or what my next step to take is.

    1. Camera: ZWO ASI120MC-S
    2. AWB OneSky
    3. FireCapture v2.6

    These are the results from FireCapture settings:

    FireCapture v2.6  Settings
    Camera=ZWO ASI120MC-S
    LT=UT -6h
    Frames captured=843
    File type=JPG
    FPS (avg.)=12
    Gain=7 (7%)
    WRed=50 (off)
    USBTraffic=100 (off)
    FPS=100 (off)
    SoftwareGain=10 (off)
    Brightness=2 (off)
    AutoHisto=75 (off)
    Overclock=0 (off)
    Gamma=50 (off)
    WBlue=50 (off)
    Sensor temperature=31.2°C

    Also attached is an image with the issue, and bonus of Jupiter and Saturn to show I've had decent results.

    I do not have any light or dark frames, I just took pictures. Please help, and thanks in advance.




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