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Posts posted by matthew12098

  1. Hey all,

    I have been trying to figure out how to use my telescope's equatorial mount for viewing as I have mainly used the 'Point and View' method (what I have been told it is called). Any advice on how to actually use an Equatorial Mount + The RA & Dec Setting Circles that it has on it?

    Also any tips for Polar Alignment in the Southern Hemisphere?


  2. 3 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Which scope do you have Matthew, and what are your skies like?

    I would generally say quite low power, medium at most for the nebulae you mentioned. I recall observing them with a 4" refractor and never got above x60 and was quite happy. An OIII or UHC filter will help to pull the nebulosity out, and get to as dark a sky as you can.

    I have a Skywatcher 114/900mm EQ2 Reflector. I would say my skies are pretty good, I can faintly (very faintly) see the milky way where I am located, I am close to the center of my city though which I guess would have a big affect though I don't notice that much difference when I go out of the city into 'Dark Places'

  3. Hi all, 

    Just wondering what magification is best to view nebulas in? I have lenses that view at 36x, 90x, 150x and then a barlow lens. 

    I am trying to view the Eagle Nebula and the Omega Nebula, the Orion Nebula will be visible for me in December so looking for advice for that too.



  4. 1 minute ago, Demonperformer said:

    Hi, Matthew, and welcome to SGL.

    I know it is easy for me to spend your money, but can I suggest that, if you are serious about wanting to take images, a better (more stable) mount should be a higher priority than a new eyepiece?

    Enjoy the journey.

    Sweet thanks, any reccomendations on what mounts? I need one that can adapt to a dual camera phone, because all the phones in my househound have dual cameras. 

    Also, where can I share my photos of the moon, Jupiter and Saturn?

  5. Hello from Auckland, NZ!

    I am relatively new to astronomy, buying my first telescope in November 2018. I am especially intreseted in the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter + it's moons!

    I currently have a Skywatcher 114/900 EQ1 Telescope, with a 6mm lens (150x), 10mm (90x) lens, 25mm (36x) lens and a Barlow Lens. 

    I am open to trying new lens and ideas related with astronomy, and currently am attempting to build a phone adapter to take higher quality images with my phone (Samsung Galaxy S9+)

    I'm excited to learn more from this forum!

    Kind Regards,



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