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  1. Hello everyone, I have a Skywatcher 200p 8inch dob. I know it's not suitable for dso haha! I am however planning on photographing the moon and Jupiter and Saturn. Here is my attempt at the moon which came out great. (Please look at the attached file!) I used a t-ring with my Canon eos 800D, used PIPP, Registax and Autostakkert. Took around 100 frames kept best 70 I think, sharpened, adjusted exposure,... So right now I want to shoot the craters on the moon and Jupiter and Saturn when they have a better position in the sky. For this I need a barlow lens. I was looking at the Orion barlow shorty 2x WITH t-thread to screw on the t-ring with DSLR. I think this should give me focus. My question is for Jupiter and Saturn. I've read that the best way is to make several short videos and let the planet drift in and out the video. Later remove the bad frames and stack the best ones from this video. Why is a video better than just taking single exposures and stacking them like I did with the moon? Is a 2x barlow good enough or should I go with the 3x barlow for the planets? I also read something about using crop mode on my DSLR (APS-C) which gives it a 3x zoom without losing a lot of quality. If someone has the time to answer all these questions or share their methods that would be nice, Thanks!
  2. If I want to view Jupiter and Saturn would 6mm be my best option?
  3. Hi everyone just made an account. I'm going to buy a Skywatcher 8" Dobsonian (https://www.astroshop.eu/telescopes/skywatcher-dobson-telescope-n-200-1200-skyliner-classic-dob/p,4440) I mainly want to look at the moon, Jupiter and Saturn. The telescope comes with a 25mm and 10mm eyepiece, but everyone says the standard ones are pretty bad? So I was thinking one of these two for Jupiter and Saturn? What's the difference with the ultra wide angle one? And which one would you recommend? https://www.astroshop.eu/eyepieces/omegon-eyepiece-cronus-wa-6-mm-1-25-/p,32982 OR https://www.astroshop.eu/eyepieces/omegon-ultra-wide-angle-eyepiece-6mm-1-25-/p,5087 I'll also be buying a moon filter (https://www.astroshop.eu/moon-filters-polarizing-filters/orion-moon-filter-13%25-transmission-1-25-/p,14458) Please let me know if these items are decent and the right choice! Lastly I want a decent eyepiece to look at the full moon in full, so not just a small part, but the FULL moon. What do I need for this? The standard 25mm? Or do I need a different ?mm or just a better quality 25mm one? Just want to keep it as "cheap" as possible but still decent quality Thanks!
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