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Posts posted by mrpizza

  1. I spent 2 minutes bracketing exposures using the Canon app on my phone which made it very easy and fast.  I went up to 2 seconds but that blew everything out.  I spent the last 2 minutes looking at the sky, Jupiter and Venus were very bright but Saturn was in the tree line.  I set up in a parking area for a Trail Head with about 10 other cars.  I was the only one with equipment for photography.  I got to meet some interesting people who also traveled some distance.  Funny thing was there were no locals there.


  2. I traveled 900 miles with no guarantee of clear skies but was pleasantly surprised by the outcome.  I set up using a Losmandy G11 with an Orion EON80 and Canon 7Ti at prime focus.  All shot at ISO100 and exposed   1/800  1/250  1/30 respectively.






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  3. I tried using an OAG instead of ONAG to slim up the imaging train in hopes of reducing some strain for possible tilt. I was worried I would have to rotate camera to acquire guide star after meridian flip.  The ZWO 174 mini worked like a charm and filed the PHD box with plenty of targets on both sides of meridian without need for rotation. I tried out  NoiseXTerminator for the 1st time and was impressed.
    Meade 14" LX-850 Mesu200 MKII Qhy 268M


    • Like 7
  4. This is about as low in the sky I'm willing to invest imaging time on the scope.  I'm trying BlurXTerminator for the first time on this image.  I was able to notice such a difference that I will be purchasing the license.

    Meade 14" LX850 ota

    Mesu 200 MKII


    Details at https://www.astrobin.com/17ek1p/



    • Like 19
  5. M16 is at the edge of my horizon limit here in Florida (I have a roof top cutting me off).  This is the first time I have gathered SII data and added it to my LRGBHa data.  I didn't see much difference with the data but kept it in the final version.  There are plenty of Hubble palette images of this object so I went old school. 

    Meade 14" ACF

    Mesu 200 MKII

    Qhy 268M

    Baader L,R,G,B,Ha,SII filters

    ONAG with ASI 174mini



    Thanks for looking



    • Like 18
  6. tomato - I'm 3 miles from the Atlantic at 17 feet above sea level.  Seeing is a hit or miss with all that atmosphere above me.  I use Voyager and can tell by the focus numbers how the seeing is.  I would guess that 40% of clear nights I shut down because focus numbers don't look good and I know from experience I would end up throwing subs out.



    • Thanks 1
  7. I gathered the data back in March and finally got around to processing it.  For some reason I had some gradients in the  red and blue channels that I was not ale to totally remove.  I was able to eliminate the red halos around the bright stars by selecting red subs that  had a smaller FWHM than the other channels.  This meant  I had to take some extra red subs ( about 25% more in this case). https://www.astrobin.com/771f3a/

    Meade 14" ACF

    Mesu 200 MKII

    QHY 268m







    • Like 21
  8. I believe the encoders on the  e200 have greater resolution thus eliminating the need for "another set" of encoders.  I have a Meade 14" with plenty of camera train load and no slippage whatsoever although I did spend some time balancing.  Whenever I end a session I park the scope near horizon and the next session  (It could be a couple of weeks due to moon or weather) I can center any object I tell the mount to goto after unparking.  A caveat here is that I have a permanent pier and have got the PA nailed down.

  9. Greetings from Florida.  The skies have been clear so I powered up the observatory to grab some data.  I have been noticing a red fringe on my stars and upon closer inspection the PSF of the color channels are not uniform.  I have read that color channels need not be critically sharp since L channel does that.  I would tend to disagree.  Normally I don't inspect too closely the color channel subs but I guess I will have to in the future.  I know for L channel I reject any sub that has FWHM greater than 2.4.   Details here https://www.astrobin.com/67vnun/

    Meade 14" ACF

    Mesu MKII 200

    Qhy 268M




    • Like 12
  10. Thank you for the kind words.  I originally joined this forum to learn more about the Mesu mount since there is not a lot users  here in the US.   There are plenty of excellent imagers on this forum from which I have gathered inspiration from.  I spent the past 25 years imaging with a Meade 10" LX50 on a Losmandy G11 non goto using a variety of cameras starting with a Olympus OM-1.  I sat by and watched technology grow in this hobby  (leaving me feel like Fred Flinstone of imaging),  so this year after having the Mesu in my sights for many years, I was able to fulfill one of my goals.  I figured if I was going big with the mount why stop there and was fortunate enough to find a slightly used Meade 14" LX850 ota and upgraded the camera to a QHY 268m and added an ONAG.  To top tings off I scrapped SGP for Voyager (nothing wrong with SGP) so I have given myself quite the learning curve.  With the help of many members on this forum (as evidence in the image) I have managed get the mount up and running to put together some good data.   



  11. Greetings from Florida.  I wanted to share this image as I have been dialing in my new mount the Mesu 200MKII.  I'm imaging at 2995mm and average guiding is 0.29 rms using PHD2.  My next step in fine tuning is to tackle what I perceive as camera tilt as some of the stars have a "red bloat" to them. 

    Meade 14" LX850ACF

    Mesu 200 MKII






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  12. I have been using my Mesu 200 MKII for several months now.  I use an ONAG for guiding on a Meade 14" LX850 at 2995mm focal length. I have been able to dial in PHD2 to consistently 0.27".  Do those of you getting better results ( I realize better in this case is being picky) utilize the Sci-Tech modeling feature?  I don't and when experimenting early on I did not see the benefit. 



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