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Posts posted by Define_existence

  1. On 26/01/2019 at 03:06, Filroden said:

    Nice to see some Southern objects on here!

    I'd be careful with darks on a DSRL unless it is cooled. You're more likely to add noise rather than remove it. I'm guessing from the target you're imaging from the heights of summer and probably somewhere relatively hot, even at night. DSLR's run quite hot without the addition of air temperature and unless you can exactly match temperatures of your darks to your lights you could make the image work. I'd recommend testing bias frames only.

    Flats will make a huge difference. You have quite a gradient though not quite centred (it seems to be centred in the SW quadrant). I notice the stars are elongated in that quandrant too. Do you have tilt in the system?

    I tried re-processing the Carina Nebula with the recommendations of Filroden. And btw, your guess was perfect lmao. The night I photographed the carina nebula it was 38 degrees c. The carina consists of 44x30s subs at iso 1600. 

    The 2nd image is my attempt of the orion nebula. It is a stack of 80 x 25 second exposures at iso 1600. I really like the way they both turned out, however, I want to try and do better next time. 

    carina photoshop.png

    orion and running man processed.png

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  2. Hey guys! I have just tried out my new dslr camera on my SLT 130 Telescope. This image of the Carina Nebula consists of 44x30s subs at iso 1600. This was stacked with 15 dark frames.  I might add an extra hour of data and some flats tomorrow to see how it will turn out.

    I tried my best in processing with gimp as this is my first ever dslr exposure of a dso and I plan to take some better images in the future. 


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