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Posts posted by milkeway

  1. 10 hours ago, Geoff Lister said:

    I use a short section of A4 spine binder strip glued to each of my mounts. It holds the cable very well.

    My various power supplies


    Most of the time, I tend to use the plug-top supply, at the end of a mains extension lead, with the socket and supply in an old shoe box to keep off dew.

    I also did some current measurements for my various mounts



    Thanks for the suggestions. I will be implementing some of those.

  2. Hey  friends,

    I just bought a celestron 6 se and heard that their performance when powered with 8 AA batteries is quite poor. Since I will mostly be using the scope in my backyard, I do not need a portable power supply. I am planning to buy a dc adapter from mains, but I am not sure what to buy. Would you recommend something like this?  https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B071WB3754/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A850CZQOZ8GYC&psc=1

    what is the optimal current draw for the operation of these scopes?


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