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Posts posted by JorgeR

  1. On 21/01/2020 at 12:38, symmetal said:

    As James said, the pinout shown in the manual is looking into the socket from the outside. The tab on the RJ12 here is on top. Many RJ plug pinout drawings show the tab on the bottom which is why the numbering looks reversed on the diagram.

    If you have a standard FTDI USB to RS-232 cable (TTL or 3.3V level version) with six wires coloured Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green then connect as follows

    FTDI Black (GND) to RJ12 pin 5 GND)

    FTDI Orange (TXD) to RJ12 pin 4 (RXD)

    FTDI Yellow (RXD) to RJ12 pin 2 (TXD)

    I find the FTDI cable wires are a little to wide to easily fit into the crimping channels in the RJ12 or RJ45 connectors so I usually splice the FTDI cable to a ready made RJ12 or RJ45 cable with one end cut off. See how you go. :smile:


    Thanks a lot Adam. That saved the day. 

  2. On 20/01/2020 at 17:16, JamesF said:

    With the pins of the male connector facing you (and the latch therefore facing away from you) with the cable entry at the bottom, the pins are numbered from left to right, as in this photo:


    The drawing in the manual would be how the (female) socket would look from the outside I think.


    Thanks James

  3. On 30/12/2018 at 09:52, adyj1 said:


    Sorry, my humour was a bit obtuse; I meant that I've downloaded the manual a few times but didn't actually spot the pinouts,and now that someone has pointed it out I feel a bit sheepish ??? ... 

    (I blame electronic manuals - if I'd had a paper one I'd have spotted it. Probably ?

    Thanks again for your help ☺ 


    Hello Ady, 

    Did you end up building your cable? Can I have a closeup picture to take a look at the colors of the cables in the pins, please?

    Its not crear to me if the pinout depicted in the manual is the female or male part and also how to know the colors of the pins that come from the usb side. I have a cable which I bought that doesn't work, so I assume is not the correct pinout, thats what I want to correct. 

    Thanks for your help. 




  4. On 01/03/2019 at 13:41, JeremyS said:

    @axle01 is there a trick for removing that round tin cover without damaging it? I can think of using a small screwdriver to lever it out, but am a bit worried.

    I've got a couple of clamps in stock, but I fear I might have the same problem with the position of the holes as you.



    Hello Jeremy, were you able to fit the first clamp in your picture?

  5. Not to leave this thread open, I managed to resolve the issue of the mount stuck in firmware update mode with the Skywatcher WiFi dongle. It’s a pity this was the only possible solution offered by skywatcher, as having a WiFi dongle is useless for a mount that has WiFi already, but then again updating the firmware through the dongle  solved the issue. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, lenscap said:

    Have you read the following thread? it seems relevant.

    Regarding the 4 hour reset, try instructing your phone & computer to "forget" the SynScan_xxx " SSID.

    They may be polling the mount's Wifi preventing the 4 hour reset.



    Thanks for your suggestion. I will make sure my router is shut down and my phone and iPad (PC is off)  are not polling the AZ ssid to see if it performs the 4hour reset and goes out of the firmware update state. 

  7. Hello,
    I got this mount a couple of weeks ago. Everything was working fine until I decided to update the firmware to the EQ version. 

    I was about to flash the firmware for eq mount, it went to 1% and then reported an error asked to power cycle and try again. I did that but now I can connect to the wifi of the mount but it doesn't find it. In the android app, I can connect to the wifi but when I press connect it finds the wifi but there is no mount present. 
    The mount led is blinking 3 times, indicating it has entered firmware update process but there is no way of getting out of that state. Is there a way to hard reset this unit? It’s powered on for more than 4 hours with no activity but the status is the same.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated. 



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