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Posts posted by AstroBrome

  1. Hello everyone,

    Have you already tried the PEC training mode on this mount? Does it really bring something to the tracking mode? Thank you for sharing your experience with it.

    BTW I shoot at the crescent nebula yesterday (under the full moon...) to check if my guiding was better with Shelster1973 parameter in PHD2. I did 45 subs of 240 sec each. Definitely, tracking was improved compared to the native parameters of PHD2 ? 

    I enclose a my first attempt after a GIMP processing.




    Crescent guidage 4 min PHD2 updated.jpg

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  2. Thank you so much for your welcoming message Shelster1973.

    The coming night (August 26th) should be fine to test your PHD2 parameters... although I know it's full moon!

    My plan is:

    1) have a rough polar alignment with the polar scope of the EQ6-R (is it really perfectly aligned with the mount?)

    2) fine tune PA with SharpCap pro 3.1 and my ZWO ASI 120MC + Kepler 60/240 as guiding scope equipment

    3) start guiding with "optimized" PHD2 on either Pacman or Crescent nebula. Since I'm using an UHC filter on my Canon 500Da, full Moon should not be a big issue.

    If the result is convincing enough I'll post it here!

    Clear sky





  3. Hello everyone, my mother language being French, so please apologize for all my English mistakes... 

    I got my EQ6-R mount in September 2017 and I'm still in the "learning curve" about all its capacities. I also have to improve my skills at polar alignment for long exposures yet. Currently, I can hardly expose more than 2 minutes with my reflector telescope (720mm focal length) if I want to avoid star trails at a higher magnification. Trying to solve this issue, I am going to use the parameters proposed by Shelster1973 in PHD2.

    To Mikey2000: the nebula that you captured is called the "Tulip Nebula" in Cygnus... Congratulations it's a very nice picture of it. You can find other great pictures of it in AstroBin.

    All the best to everyones.



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