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Panda Alvin

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Image Comments posted by Panda Alvin

  1. Thanks Seanelly.
    It wasn't planned in the time-lapse. I expected light clouds at the end according to forecast, but the whole weather front came 1 hour earlier that night. I packed up early and lost 3 seconds footage in total. Still good to see some sky rotation in the end of weather transition nonetheless.

  2. Thanks Peter! Yes I have Polaris centred for this one and it snapped on the AZ GTI. Only issue is that I end up losing the only mount I have for my scope and have my phone tied up while doing the 2-3 hours exposures.
    I now got a Manfrotto Pixi Evo 2 + intervalometer which I used for the New Forest. Its a very low set up but I can now do visual at not sit in the car for however long ?.

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