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Posts posted by mckinnell

  1. Stu, Just to say that, i have some time ago, not to long as such, but, sent up some pic of the completed dolly and NEQ6 Pro on it, it is a monster at first glance, but as stated on the US site, it is going NO WHERE!! but, it really IS very stable and rolls in and out very smoothly indeed, but, that all and only so, on how smooth you construct or is already flate and level, which i can confirm, is, have a hunt around, i know it`s out here in the forum some place, hopfully give you agood heads up on where and what i am contriving to portray, as best as i humbly can.

                                                 Very best regards and best wishes,    McKinnell,      aka    Tom.


  2. M40, here`s hoping move goes well, yes, PLEASE let me know how you get on with the re set up and how you apply the gizmo, lol lol, tec wording, he he he, really looking forwards to your reply on this and wish you and your the very best and lots of luck in the new address my friend.......

                                               My very best regards,  McKinnell.       aka     Tom


    PS,  are you still in Essex mate or out of area???

  3. Hi STU,

               Thanks for the reply to my question, yes!, the unlocking of RA or DEC and then re locking same is what i was going to do, the reason for this shout was because many had said in my area of address, that, it was not really a good thing to do to do as you and M40 had suggested, but, then, we all learn as i have from all your valued help and i will certainly act accordingly on this way of doing so, BTW, my dolly and over all set up is so robust and stable in transit that i wished i had come across the artical on a US site very like ours here, still, i did and thank god i did, it works fantastic, BUT, should funds and some one to con, errrrrr i mean persuade to alter said garage roof then who knows ay??!!!, but, that`s for a later date in the future me thinks, so, onwards and upwards, and i hopoe we have a crisp clear type winter for us star gazers every where in the UK.

                                               My gratest thanks and very best regards to you matey.

                                                                                     McKinnell...........aka.   Tom

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  4. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, some very interesting idea`s and points of what i have done wrong and how to loose money by selling it and going to a LESSER scope, WHICH, i might add, my wife S.W.M.B.O. would make dam sure i need never be in a healthy position to worry about anything else, so that one we will respectfully ignore!!,.

    M40, yes an idea i pondered some time ago, and, looking at Rothervally polarscope`s  found a 90deg attachment so as do not have to kill myself getting down, my spinal problems have/are getting worse and it would be a non starter, so that`s the first idea, second was the iopt some thing, i for get, got it bookmarked, it`s a SP mount cam that can also go to 2  3  and 4 star set up and at just over £200 i think is quite good, the manual one is around £80 just over.

    Just to set the record, before i ventured to my set up re dolly taken fom a US site which, i must state, is very stable in trasit from place to place and most robust have done many wheeling trials with scope on after a fashion and help from a friend, it was on following great advice on what the best equiptment i should strive to purchase taking my health and age etc ertc into the mix by my piers, yes, the dear fellows on this site/forum, my wifes thoughts on this and what has happened thus so far are not printable, best keep away from Rugby lol lol lol, she is very protective of me, is how and where i find myself now, as i stated before, i have been incharge of larger scopes and obs in my youth re our own college obs in Coventry in the late 1960s to mid 70s, and after that monster, my latest set up is yes, smaller, so that ticks that one off,                            OK!!!.

    My gratefull thanks for all the constructive posts and help and as alway my very best regards and thanks to every one..........


                                                                                                                          McKinnell.         aka      Tom................

  5. Thanks to all so far, yes i can loosen the clutches as you say and was told not to but should leave it as is

    The scope body is very heavy so can`t

    My scope uses wheels to get it into and out of the garage and has increased the hight of the mount and is fixed on the dolly

    Now sorted these points out you can now see my problem!!.


                                                                         Best regards and thanks,                                   McKinnell...........

  6. Hello to all,

            Here is my problem, firstly, my scope will stay in the garage when not being used, BUT!, when it needs to come out or returened i have a problem of the main scope body fouling the top of the garage door frame work, it is an over type garadoor make and, as such, the home or parking position is just  preventing me using my scope because of the above problem i have outlined.

            My question is this, how and can i alter the positioning of the scope body to allow me to get in and out of the garage and then very quickly get it into the home position by just swinging it into and out of as i need to do, really need to get this sorted as, to get a new set of doors is just out of the question, this is the only problem now left for me to over come and so start to use my telescope, if not, well, !!!!!!!!!!!!

            I look forwards to all or any helpful solutions to my  problem and many thanks for the support.


                                                                                          Very best regards and best wishes to all.     McKinnell                      aka         Tom..........

  7. Thanks again chaps, i have noted that i am in deed on 52 deg lat, thinking this is just a fluke, but, i will leae well alone and just go as is as, it is correct as you chaps looked at for Rugby, so, we shall see, my next challenge will be to get the garage door replaced with one that will allow me to move the scope in and out of said garage as, in home poss, it is hitting the top of the door frame, so that is next, i guess!!!.

                                                                                              Best regards and thanks to all,   Tom...

  8. Hi chaps,

        Thanks for the replies, yes, both of the screws where allready fully loosened up before i started, this is why i am thinking that, this is faulty as, looking at many YouTube videos on this setting up of said mounts, i am seeing that the persons who are doing the set up and showing same have no problems at all after as you both say, the screws are slacked off from each other as such and then screwed in according to how you need to progrees on the scale, and then as you say also, tighten both up to lock off, this known to me i so do, but slackened off they may be, its like tring to shift a mountain and that is not a sill eg.

                                                                                           My best regards to you both and thanks,    Tom....

  9. Hi to all,

             Well it is now three year on from getting said NEQ6 from Rother Vally Potics and as some know, have been having a problem as to where to site said mount and scope due to conditions commanding in my garden, now, as some also know, i have just finnished constructing a dolly for my tri pod and mount to beable to wheel it in and out of my garage, now, no longer used for cars etc etc.

             Am just starting to set up my mount re leveling etc etc, but!!, have stumbled i think, a problem with the latitude setting guage with using the screws which are the ones that came with my mount, they have a butterfly type flaps that you flick over as to use to screw in and out and their be my problem, i can not get the degrees to go any where above 50 to 51, which if i am correct and please afirm either way, for Rugby Warwickshire UK is correct, but be that it may, WHY, does it feel in the advancement screw that i am forcing against a solid wall and going to damage something any time soon if i carry on???? mmmm !!!.

            As stated above, this mount has NEVER BEEN USED, it is brand new as, up to now, i was stalled as to where and what to use set as, the observatory site, but now, seeing as the garage will be HQ but will need to alter the doors as in home position it will foul on the top of said garage door so it will need to go!!!, i had no way of finding out that their could be a grave problem in this area of my mount, please any one able to help out as, Rother Optic after this time would not take it back to replace, and, i accept that as nither would i, but, do rather need very urgent advice on how to sort out what is wrong and then, how to get it fixed.


                                                       Many grateful thanks and very best regards to all,            McKinnell     aka       Tom now 67 as of this Friday 27, ( PLEASE, STOP WITH THE BIRTHDAYS ALREADY!!!)  lol lol...

  10. Hi all,

           Hope every one is well and happy!!, OK, so, I connected the mount and cradle to the tri pod to get a feel of the dynamics involved for when I get to getting the scope set, O BOY, the weight is quite something as, it will most definitely be VERY sturdy indeed but, moving said  set up as is has made me wonder if I should try to see if i could not put some U shape gunnels for the wheels to be kept in alinement and give more accuracy etc etc, also help in making sure it stays on track so to speak when moving in/out on observing nights, so, some thing to ponder over, as, I am so very near to finals and with that i will bid all a vey good night as to the time i am typing this and say, stay safe and well.


                                                                      Very best regards to everyone,   McKinnell,     aka  Tom...


    PS,  any one here doing No Mans Sky like myself ?????, if so, let me know, cheers all..................................Tom. 

  11. Hi all,

        Quick up date, have completed the painting of the dolly mount, next, the fitting of the tri pod and neq6 pro mount, also, placement of the power pack and then it will be the cradle and then scope proper, will upload some pictures after i get to the mount stage, so, nearly there !!!!!!.


                                                                        My very best regards and respects to all,  McKinnell,        aka  Tom.

  12. Just a quickie, most will of noticed the extra wood material in the area, YES!, i over ordered on quantity, BUT, my wife S.W.M.B.O. asked if it would be possible to build some planters, NATURALY!!!, well, you have to keep in with the boss now don`t you ha ha ha, remember, a happy wife is a what???? lol.

                                                                                              Very best regards to all,   McKinnell.

  13. Hi all,

    OK, here we go then, my attempt at uploading pictures as i said i would so here we go with the first one being the type of wheel i am using that being a 5" nylon type,


    The next four shots are to show the overall construction and shape!!, of the dolly and as you will see, how the tri pod is going to be located on the dolly out riders,


    This last picture is to show i hope, the sandwich like construction of 3/4" ply top and bottom of the pile so to say,



    My last next pictures should show i hope the fittings to hold the tri pod leg ends in their place to secure the mount for the telescope, in my case a Sky Watcher 12" Newtonian type, so, this is it for now, it is quite weighty indeed and would as it is now take a storm to move or topple it so we shall let you know how we progress on the next instalment and many grateful thanks to all.

                                                                                                       Best regards McKinnell............

    • Like 2
  14. Seeing as the ritual for posting pictures here is far beyond me as i am unable to type after each picture to illustrate what is happening, it seems that i will not be able to post to show off where i am at regarding the build, as, i am now at a stage where i will be adding bracing parts for the tri pod ends and, a tray unit as said for power pack, so there you have it and many thanks to all.


  15. UPDATE, 

                         £10 on fixings for the 5" wheels so, this is the next part to get done, i am thinking of the shelf for power pack and other items that NEED!!, to be associated with the scope when out side, NOT the flask of tea and other items, no, these stay near to me in the said garage  ha ha ha; will have a very good friend who has been assisting me with said construction to help locate and final balance of scope and other fittings, all getting rather exciting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. O yes, and in August re my birthday for myself to same i will purchase from Rother Valley Optics  Omegon 90° Angled Polar Scope Eyepiece at £85 less loyalty points ooooooooo, very nice.


                                                                                                   Best regards to all,                McKinnell.


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  16. Hi to all,

             Just a quick up date, to say that, i have 90% of my trolley mount completed and it so proves that, if like me you have a garage that you no longer use, you do not need to spend out on observatories and other costly projects, this project of mine has to date cost around £185 in materials, and what is more, the scope when mounted on said trolley, will be so stable and robust as to make me wonder why o why did i not think of this solution first off, and also, with said garage comes the security my insurance company needed to accept the scope on our policy so its a win win win all the way, will post some pictures after  completion, thanks.

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  17. Thanks to you all chaps, have just had a tree taken down by 1 third and another one totally removed, it was suspect any way due to age poor thing, so, have a total south aspect visible as of this afternoon, we progress steadily forwards !!!!!.


                                                                   Very best regards and thanks,    McKinnell    aka        Tom......... 

  18. Hi all,

          I remember reading some place, cup like holders made of metal which could be affixed to a dolly`s extended feet shall we call them to hold/place the tri pod`s ends into to stop them from moving and also to save drilling into the dolly, which is made from timber; would have to be a secure fit, so, hoping that some one else has knowledge of these items, i know they exist but can not remember where i have scene them, many thanks for any and all help in this ..

                                                                               Very best regards to all and hope all are well,                    McKinnell,       aka   Tom.

  19. Hello all, I have a Sky Watcher 12in atop an NEQ6PRO and it is so stable you would not believe, it is where you stand said scope and mount, my new and permanent site will use a dolly with 3 x 5in wheels and stored in my garage now uesed for cars as of 20 years ago due to health problems causing me to stop driving do not miss driving so better use of building, but Yes, the NEQ6 PRO was designed for that size and type well before the EQ8 came along. ask the chaps at ROTHER VALLEY optics, I have nothing to do with them BTW, just great adice and knowledge.  


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  20. Hello to all,

                  Well i have now committed myself to using my garage as the storage point, and, am making a dolly for transporting my Sky Watcher 12" to the area of viewing which is just around 6 ft away from the holding area within the said garage; using 5" HD wheels which are all braked and 3/4" marine ply for plating and 6" x 2" C16 kiln dried timbers, these are the main parts, but, on inspecting the solid state of the ply and timbers, was quickly prompted to purchase a circular saw also Jigsaw and will be getting a HD electric screw driver, all, i would add, because at my age and dexterity, i know that manual tools now will be a problem, OR, could be, so, not taking ant chances, and as luck would have it, a pal some 10 doors away will be helping me and will also be there for its commissioning when ready to do so, i am thinking around 2/3 weeks time, this then is the final solution ( Sherlock Holmes !!!) to a problem of location now 3 years on going, but, these things at the cost of the equipment, i am sure most will agree, needs to be given due thought and never rushed, so, there you go and i will keep you ALL, abreast of what and where i get to as i proceed along this project, o and the dolly will have table built in to accommodate the power pack and laptop/tablet.

                                                                  Many grateful thanks and very best regards to every one here, my friends,  McKinnell,      aka  Tom......

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  21. Hi M40,  

           The last time i did any thing related to metal work was at school and that was xxxxxx years ago lol lol, my problem is like countless many, age and health issues suddenly decide to take loggings at your address and life taps you on the shoulder and hands you the bill, but, having said all this, i am not yet ready to go and shake hands with Mr Sir P Moore, no, not for a long time, BUT, not with standing this all, i still have a very substantial set up which with my  credentials from  my College day and helping out teaching astronomy and telescope fundamentals, the type and size i went for was the lowest i would accept, smaller would of been , well, lets say i would of been embarrassed !!!; at school metal work i hated with a vengeance, now wood work THAT`S the thing, you can feel so much in a piece of wood my dear friend.

                                                                            Many grateful thanks and very best regards to you,






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