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Posts posted by leelee970

  1. I'm afraid I tried it and failed. I'll have another go. What's this auto setting?

    I’ve just had a look at Sharpcap (lucky I’ve my webcam here today at work).

    Go to Options, then Video capture filter which brings up your camera properties. Now click picture and you will see a box labelled “full auto control”. This will give the PC full control and will pick out a bright star. Remember to deselect it once you’ve focused with the Bahtinov mask.

    I use Wxastrocapture which I find easier – on there you go to video device properties and click the full auto box – simple and it’s with the other control needed so you’ll not forget the auto setting.

  2. I image with a webcam and, even with gain and brightness right up on Sharpcap, I can't see a bright star. Mind you, I'm using a 4x Barlow! I have to use my awful eyes as best I can!

    I'm surprised you don't see any bright star Astrosurf- are you using the SPC900?

    I usually set mine to "auto" to see the star, then pop on the mask, focus, take off mask (sometimes I forget) and slew to the planet. I'll use anything from x3 barlow to x5 barlow.

    then it's just a case of taking "auto" setting off and away I go.

    Admit I don't use Sharpcap, but I shouldn't think it makes any difference.


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