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Posts posted by Kryff

  1. 5 hours ago, bottletopburly said:

    You seem to be running on usb2 , your zwo camera is usb3 try to run from your imaging pc to mount via usb3 using a 12v powered usb3 hub if you can , I run my imaging pc  from shed to mount via usb3  repeater cable to a usb 12v usb3 powered hub and view from my laptop in house via Anydesk  maybe the usb2 is a weak link  does your imaging pc have Usb3?.

    Yes the imaging PC has USB3, however a new cable is not really an option as I would have to dig up half the garden to lay one but I could get new USB3 hub and ethernet extenders for the existing cat6 cable. I have inculded pics in the post. I'm just not sure if these will do the job.

  2. michael8554

    Tower pc is upto date with windows updates so there have been a few recently.

    I have checked all the USB ports and they are all fine.

    The guide cam runs fine on its own.  If I run the ZWO on its own it still dosent download all files.

    If I have the guide cam running and add the ZWO then eventually the ZWO goes into permananty download and eventually the guide cam is shut down by PHD2. If I stop the ZWO download before the guide cam is shut down then the guide cam recovers after about 30 secs and continues ok.

    Dr Ju Ju thinks its the USB2/3 via ethernet connection so I am investigating that as well.


  3. I have been running my current setup for almost a year and it has been stable and effective.


    Skywatcher ED80 on HEQ5Pro mount on Pier in home observatory

    Starwave 50mm guide scope with Altair GPCAM130c (running in mono)

    Imaging camera ZWOASI1600mmPro cooled

    ZWO filter wheel (7 x 36mm filters)

    Hitech focus controller


    The connection from the PC (in the house) is USB2 over an ethernet extender to the observatory where a USB2 hub distributes to the devices on the scope/mount.

    Mount connection is via a HitechAstro USB EQ Direct cable

    The cameras have separate USB cables from the hub

    The ZWO filter wheel is connected from the ZWO cameras own inbuilt hub (USB3)

    The focuser has a USB2 cable to the hub


    I run Stellarium as a visual guide and often use it to point the scope a target.

    I guide with PHD2.

    I use Sequence Generator Pro for image acquisition.

    I use Hitech Focuser software.

    The Problem

    In the last couple of months, I have had issues with the cameras not performing correctly. I had not made any changes to the configuration or the drivers or software but found that occasionally an image from the ZWO would download and be totally black (annoying when doing 20/30 min exposures). I asked questions online and was advised to change from the ZWO Ascom Driver to the Native Ascom Driver. This appeared to fix the problem temporarily. (The Altair camera was already using native Ascom along with the Mount) Then the real problems started.

    Generally – different bits of software seemed to be failing for no apparent reason.

    After playing around with different settings and updating all drivers and software to the latest stable versions. The problem remained.

    It now seems to me, to be a software issue, probably to do with the camera drivers.

    It manifests itself in the following way…

    I boot up the three software packages (Stellarium, PHD2 and SGP) and at his point I can use Stellarium to control the mount fine.

    I point to a target and select a guide star in PHD2 and guiding commences (and will continue without a problem until I connect the equipment to SGP)

    When I connect to SGP I usually take a few test images with the ZWO camera to focus the stars. I used to use the start button to run continuous 2 sec images while I used the Hitech focuser software to focus using a Bhatinov mask. This now does one or two images and the next image fails and just keeps ‘Downloading’ and If left for 40/50secs PHD2 shuts down the Altair camera with a timeout message. If I disconnect the ZWO camera in SGP – about 5 secs later PHD2 starts the Altair camera and this continues ok.

    I can run SGP to capture images but somewhere between 20secs to 2 mins into an exposure the Altair camera shuts down with the time out message and I have to abort the SGP sequence as I have lost guiding.

    There are also times when I have to restart PHD2 and SGP as both programs and EQMOD hang and have to be killed off using Task Manager.

    I have tried changing the timeout in PHD2 – no effect

    I have reverted all software to my last known working versions – no effect.

    I have reinstalled all the latest versions and drivers but still the problem remains.

    I have checked configs in all the software but cannot find anything to suggest I have changed anything.

    Please bear in mine this was all working fine for almost a year before the problem occurred.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  4. I have just acquired a second hand fibreglass observatory, approx 30years old. Its in good condition but needs a little TLC and a base constructing. it is 8' diameter with a rotating roof.
    It is probably never going to be comletely air tight but will be waterproof.
    The question is ....
    What sort of deumidifier, size, make etc. do I get. I want one with continuous drainage so I dont have to keep emptying it.
    Any sugestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
  5. 17 hours ago, david_taurus83 said:

    You could try a USB to CAT5 extender. Works up to 50m. I have a Startech one. Its 4 USB2 ports on a hub one end and you run your ethernet cable to a receiver hub the other and connect to your PC via USB. Works very well. When I first got my 1600mm I had download issues and I thought it was using a USB3 camera in a USB2 hub. It turns out it was my old USB2 laptop. Since upgrading to a new USB3 laptop it's been great. Images take a second to download from the 1600mm. I use an ASI1600MM, ASI EFW connected to the 1600, AZEQ6 with Eqmod cable, ASI178MC for guiding, also USB3, and a DSD autofocuser.  Absolutely no issues via the Startech hub, as long as it's to my USB3 laptop.

    Hi David, is this the kit you mention? Do both units need power as they only seem to supply 1 psu?


  6. Hi, I currently have an astrophotography rig comprising a Skywatcher ED80 with a Zwo Asi1600mmPro camera. Guide scope with Altair gpcam130c all mounted on an HEQ5Pro Mount. This is all controlled remotely via a usb2.0 powered hub and 15m usb cable to my pc in the house.
    I am planning an observatory but this will be approximately 25m from my Pc in the house.
    As more and more kit is now usb3.0 I would like to control my pc, still from the house but if I were to use a powered usb3 cable and hub there would be, effectively, 6 hubs in the chain and Windows will only allow 5 maximum. 
    Does anyone out there have a setup similar to this with an observatory with a remote pc? I am considering usb to Ethernet/Ethernet to usb, has anyone tried this and does it work?
    Any suggestions for using my pc in the house to control the rig in the observatory, down the garden would be very much appreciated.


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