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Posts posted by starman-scott

  1. 14 minutes ago, andrew s said:

    You need to find where the stray light is coming from first. If it's light entering the top of the tube and getting into the focuser your idea will make it worse. You need to look at the overall layout and see what's best. There is a web based program called NEWT that can help with checking the design.

    Regards Andrew

    thanks do you have a link to NEWT

  2. Hi, I have changed the focuser on my newtonian but its too short.

    I realise that I can just add an extension tube to it but I’m not sure if that is the best solution.

    I also seem to have have a stray light problem (I’m getting a hazy image on a 5mm eyepiece).

    A third problem is that I find it quite cumbersome that the focuser has to stick out so far (155mm+eyepiece).

    I wonder if I might solve the stay light problem by extending the main telescope tube instead of the focuser and therefore getting the eyepiece closer to the secondary. And also maintain more precision in the focuser by not extending it.

    • As it stands the focuser would have to come out 265mm from the centre of the secondary mirror in order to focus.
    • The secondary is 50mm wide.
    • From primary to secondary is 950mm approx..
    • The primary is 200mm

    Thanks for reading. Any advice will be much appreciated.


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