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Posts posted by Iris

  1. Thanks Iris for the advice,

    how do you align your mount?

    am I doing something wrong? I usually use Polaris and align the mount and later the scope pointing them towards Polaris. For some (obvious) reasons solar planets leave my field of view in 3 to 4 minutes:( . It is very frustrating ...

    I dont use a polar scope - I just roughly align the mount by looking at Polaris througth the boresight for the polar scope. I Make sure the mount is level within the tolerance of the bubble level on its base and do a two star align - I almost always use all four calibration stars in addition to the two alignment stars.

    The only time I have had to worry about the scope drifting has been when observing Saturn at high magnifications of 300x+ - usually the mount tracks well enough to keep Saturn in the FOV for the 50 minutes or so that it is visible from my normal viewing position.

    But even with the roughest of alignments i.e. only pointing more or less north and roughtly level it has kept its target well.

  2. can anyone advice if it is of any use for CG-5 goto ?

    being it goto mount, what is it the benefit of using Stellarium to control the mount?:(

    I noticed that CG-5 requires accurate alignment to be able to track celestial objects with precision, which I must say fail to achive all the time :D

    It works just fine with a CG5 Resonator - as to your second question - good question lol - I have only ever used it once in anger to control the mount - I quickly got fed up with tripping over the flimsy cable - though at one level being able to touch the latprop screen and have the scope slew there directly was quite fun.

    I suppose one advantage might accrue when trying to line up on objects that are not in the handset database or do not have identifiers in stellarium. I could probably have made use of that feature when asteroid or comet hunting recently.

    But mostly I still stick to the handset if I am honest.

    Can't say I have ever noticed problems in tracking though even with the roughest of alignments my mount has always been pretty good..

  3. great, so i should be ok to delete all my ascom programs then, will that be ok as i1m not sure.

    cheers rob

    Make sure you still have the installers in case you want to revert. I installed on my lappy with none of the ascom drivers and only the Stellarium stand alone scope server which it turned out was not necessary although I started it up the first time but the default Stellarium driver configuration ignored it* The next time I didn't bother starting the external server and it all still worked fine.

    * You can still use the external servers if you prefer as long as you configure stellarium plugin to use them but if the arent needed why bother...

  4. Just as a matter of interest I bought a USB/RS232 adapter and rs232 controller cable for my CG5 just last week.

    I installed Stellarium 0.10.3 on a spare laptop, configured the standard telescope control plugin for the Celestron plugged the cables in and off it went first time no toubles at all.

    Seems that things have improved for the better since this thread started :-)

    The only foible (well apart from the labels in 0.10.3) was that the mount needs to be powered up and plugged in before starting stellarium. But that aside it seems to work fine.

    Chuffed as I was expecting to have to spend ages downloading ancillary software and configuring etc.

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