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Posts posted by Zac

  1. Hi, I created an account just to clear up some misleading (or at least confusing) information contained in this thread.  I discovered this thread while researching a Sony a5100.  I read the thread before I owned a Sony camera.  My (mistaken) conclusion after reading it was that there was a workaround for avoiding LENR while in BULB mode. The fact is, there is NOT.  Upon re-reading the thread I see there was some switching back and forth between people talking about the a5000 and the a5100, and also switching between talk about the Remote Camera Control app and the camera itself.  These are the facts for the a5100 specifically:

    Using the remote app:
    The Remote App does NOT support any form of "Continuous" shooting modes, period.
    The Remote App DOES support BULB mode.
    Using the Remote App for exposures 1 second or longer will ALWAYS result in LENR.

    Using the camera:
    Using non-continuous modes results LENR for exposures longer than 1 second.
    Using continuous mode IS a workaround for exposures between 1 second and 30 seconds; LENR will be skipped.
    Bulb mode is NOT available in any continuous modes, period.
    Therefore, Bulb mode will ALWAYS result in LENR.

    I hope this helps any future shoppers who stumble upon this thread like I did and came to the wrong conclusions.

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