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Posts posted by umbilic

  1. I use Avistack3.2 on 2 win10x64 PCs, a win10 (home) workstation and a win 10 (pro) mini PC. Avistack works fine and  remembers its original settings for a series of jobs  on the workstation, but on the mini PC , it forgets its original settings after the first job

    I am at a loss as how to fix the mini PCs problem - can anyone help ?

  2. I use Celestron NexRemote to control my CPC telescopes On this win10x64(home) PC it works flawlessly On my other 2 PCs = win10x64(home) portable amd win10x64(pro) mini PC. I get a window labelled 'rejstration' with legend 'Virtual Serial Port ActiveX control is not Registered ...' with options 'order online', 'register' and 'cancel' If I hit register or cancel the program then runs perfectly If I hit order online I am directed to a website asking for a LOT of money - I dont try this!

    Does anybody know why I get this different behaviour ? all 3 PCs claim to be up to date but some setting is different I am content that Nexremote runs but am extremely frustrated in trying to get rid of the unnecessary window

    Celestron tech support and Mike Swanson the Nexstar expert have been inable to help Can someone out there help?

  3. I am fan of the AstraImage image enhancement software package for processing my lunar images, but I am plaugued with its producing rows of artefacts along the top ~15% of my images. I am not sure what feature causes them (If I knew, I wouldn't use the feature!)

    My workschedule is usually:-  denoise, deconvolution, multiscale sharpen, multiscale contrast and then perhaps very small scale wavelet sharpen or microcontrast The artefacts may come from multiscale contrast (a bit buggy) or wavelet sharpen but I may be mereley enhacing artefacts generated earlier Anyy thoughts out there ?


    PS I attach an example. Processed from avi using avistack Copernicus in mediocre seeing yaken using celestron CPC 11 + ZWO asi290mm +IR pass filter example Capture 2021-01-07T06_23_09.tif

  4. I have tried Antares Barlows (2x and 1.5x) for lunar photography using an IR pass filter a ZWO 290mm and a Celestron11 CPC but have been disappointed by the extra apparantly scattered light they produce Is it just me ? or is this due to say different transmissabilty of IR by the glass or something else - internal scattering ?

  5. thanks for your reply - I already have a celestron focal reducer - but I use a Moonlight electric focuser and I see 2 problems

    1) I believe the celestron reducer is designed to fit the 'visual back' of a C8.If I does fit the C11 (which has a different optical back) I presumably could not use the Moonlight focuser.

    2) I want something like the Canon extender which fits between the acmera and the telescope so |I can use it wit hout dismantling the focuser'

    put simply is there a focal reducer which fill go between the Canon camera and the telescope - just as my extender will ?

  6. I have a canon EOS5d III camera which I use sucessfully with a celestron 8 - the image fits beauitfully. I would like to use it with my celestron C11 CPC but the image is too large - because of the longer focal length. In the past I have used series focal extenders (2x 2x+1.4x) to get good images with a canon 400mm f2.8 lens, and have used a 1.4x extender between the camera and a T adapter with a celestron C6. Having had success with focal extenders, I have been trying to find a focal REDUCER to put between the camera and T adapter to reduce the image scale - but I cannot find an appropriate device - am I being tyoo naive ? HELP please !

    ps I have tried screwing an eyepiece focal reducer into the T adapter - getting a .5x barlow but cannot find focus - besides the reducer has awful chromatic abberation - any ideas that might help here ?

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