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Posts posted by cdh79

  1. 13 hours ago, ultranova said:

    yes that would be handy having some sort of guide

    There have been a few people saying they would but as of

    yet I have not seen any thing,

    Even a written one would do for the slightly less experienced of us

    Just a thought have you adjusted the worm gears at all, as slacking them up

    can resort in a smoother operation as sometimes just adjusting how far the worm

    drive goes into the main shaft drive can make it bind on one side of the worm if that makes sense

    ideally you want it in the middle ( the v in the worm ) It might be worth checking that its

    mot binding

    i wasn't aware that you can actually adjust the worm gear (that's the big gear around the main shaft)?

    or are you thinking about moving the worm sideways by adjusting the circlip nut on the side?

    i thought tightening/loosening this would only adjust how tight the bearing sit on the small shaft with the worm (but i might be wrong here)

  2. sorry to revive this old thread, but i wondered if there are any guides yet?

    I just recently got an AZ-Eq6 and had movement in RA and Dec, so that i could rock both axis a little bit back and forth..


    I did read this thread multiple times and i also check out the guide at astro-baby for the eq6 for help.

    The DEC movement i could get out by adjusting the two torx screws, however with RA seemed much more difficult.. It was either rocking, or there was binding. After loosening up the worm-gear (behind the black cover) a bit, it seemed to adjust a bit better, but I'm somehow still not really happy with it.

    I need to wait for clear skies, so i can test how it's performing now, but i'm thinking of taking it apart for cleaning and then re-greasing and for this a write-up would come in pretty handy.


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