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Posts posted by spiraleye

  1. 22 hours ago, 900SL said:

    WO subcontract production to the same suppliers as TS etc. Then charge a premium for anodising and name. Some variation in QA and QC, 

    I have TS 90mm f6 CF Apo, similar spec to the WO FLT91 and Stellamira 90. Excellent scope, 600 euro less than the WO badged version

    I have a WO Redcat 51 and GT71, both good, but the 90 gets all the use with a 0.8 reducer

    Thats good to know, the TS 90mm looks and sounds good, they only seem to to he available from either Altair or Teleskop, ideally I'll find something from FLO as they have been very good to me about the return. The stellamyra does look great, although at a premium over the TS 90mm and I'm not sure it has a lock on the dew sheild which tbh after the experience ive just had I'm considering as a basic design necessity in the long term. Really appreciate the advice thank you 🙏 

  2. OK thanks folks, appreciate the confirmation that this isn't really on.... I will speak to the supplier and have it returned.


    I'll be looking to replace it with something around the same FL, as am interesting in doing some imaging a little wider field than the 130pds will allow. Also keeping to under 4kg for the OT ideally as I'll be running it on one of the BTO Stellardrive EQ35 mounts from Dark Frame and have a fair bit of gear to be adding on so don't want to push the weight too far. Any recommendations much appreciated, budget not too much of a concern, as long as the quality is good :) 👍


  3. I've just received a brand new Sharpstar 76edph and was lucky enough to have a couple of clear hours to test it and would like some advice regarding what seem to be huge issues with it...

    Firstly the dew shield is so loose that anywhere above about 35-40deg of inclination it slips down the body rendering it useless without modification, secondly the focus locking screw does not lock the focus tube at all, I dare not try and tighten it any harder or I feel like I will strip the threads. It makes no difference at all to the relatively little force it requires to move the focuser tube.

    Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated, to me these are issues I might accept from a well used scope in need of adjustment or a bottom rung price bracket scope, but for something fresh from the factory costing a fair amount it strikes me as appalling build quality.. I have a feeling it may just be a particularly bad batch I'm at the recieveing end of?

    The optics in these are great so it's a real shame, but after a couple of hours of use I think unless there is something fairly major I'm missing with regard to both the focuser lock screw and dew shield it's probably going to end up being returned in favour of something better quality.






  4. Ahhhh I see. I had completely missed that you could unscrew the adaptor section! What a boon. I thought I was going to need some extra bits. I will have a play later and see how it all goes together without the coma corrector, this is on the list anyway so if it works for now that's just an extra bonus. It is the nice wide field you have there I was super keen to achieve. I'm off on holiday on Friday and wasn't expecting to get another shot at it until I return but it looks like the weather is going to be perfect down here in Bristol tomorrow night so hopefully I should be able to get some good shots without the Barlow :) Really appreciate the tips thank you so much!

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  5. Yes I am keen to get rid of the 2x Barlow but I currently only have a 1.25" adapter for the dslr and was unable to achieve focus without the lens on the end of the Barlow tube. Perhaps I can do it and just didn't try the right combination I will look at that later, it was a first light situation so I was just trying to enjoy the moment and snap what I could with minimal fiddling. I plan to pick up the 2" adapter before long as I think the spacing should work out fine with that. I'm looking forward to stretching the exposure times a bit once I have a light pollution filter fitted as I am battling it a bit hard in processing right now. We are in the suburbs so whilst not as bad as it could be it's going to need some work to overcome it to a reasonable degree. For narrow band I was hoping to pick up a monochrome ccd and a Ha filter to get me started in adding some detail to the full color images and start the collection from there. It is encouraging to see the detail you are picking up at those exposures as we are using the same unmodified 550D. Hopefully I can get somewhere closer to that with a bit more practice. Are you using a light pollution filter with your current setup? Thanks for the kind words I look forward to improving on these results! :) 

  6. Hi All, Another 130PDS owner over here! The images on this thread are mindblowing! Managed to get my first light processed with about 10 minutes total exposures of the core area of the Orion Nebula to test things out hopefully the weather will clear up again soon for a proper session. Love this scope so much. Still need a coma corrector and filters but this has really encouraged me for such a short exposure period with very little setup. Light pollution here is pretty awful I'm hoping the filters will greatly improve things. I am keen to move to narrow band as soon as I can afford the kit :) Hope this isn't too bad for a first go at using all the processing gear.  

    Taken with canon 550D with 2x barlow on the 130PDS attached to EQ3 PRO GOTO. 30 x 20s ISO1600



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